The last time (see my posts above) he ran off and didnt call for two weeks. Those changes dont have to be major, however, and you should never lose yourself just because of a man. Its his decision and he has to face the consequences of his own actions. Stimulate His Intellect. I wanna slap my aqua man too. Okay so my Aqua guy has been great all weak after I tried to break up with him, he freaked out..Than told me to pu my ring back on and he wanted to go to hawaii and get married?? First I have to say, everything you wrote is 110% on point. I have kids not by him the family is rather close. I want to give him up before we have even started but though I have had a few dates in the last year he is the only one that has made my tummy go over in the last 7 years. He would try to see me once in a while but I am stubborn and not on anyone else's time and a week after the last time he ended our 'social' connection. Therefore, if your Aquarius man feels that youve become obsessed with him or that you want to spend every second with him, hell pull away even if hes in love with you. Ok then, no problem. It's Sunday. Dont spend ur precious time on them, u deserve better, u all sound like very sweet ladies. But he always looked 4 the worse in me which was not much 2 look 4. And everytime we make headway he does something flaky again. THE PROCESS; ABOUT US; GET NEWS! then he started coming around every 2 weeks or went even longer without calling. Every relationship Ive been in the other person is unwilling to step outside of their comfort zone for me. they disappear because they dont want you. 2 weeks prior to this I showed him a letter telling him he was growing on me. He cant find the right words to express himself, What to do if an Aquarius man pulls away when in love. During those two months he always crossed my mind. WebFor Aquarius men, noticing your absense can have a stronger effect than if you bend over backwards trying to get into their good graces. He doesnt feel comfortable What do you usually do when you feel that the environment around you makes you uncomfortable? The break up was never made official by phone call or conversation. Mathew Williams was last seen on Feb. 3 in the 7400 block of Meadow Breeze Drive. I have been doing this for 3years. I too am 45 and have been separated for over two years. It was about him,the kids, his family, friends, his baby mama drama & I came LAST! Its the best way for you to start connecting with him by speaking his language. My patience is wearing thin. Sometimes I think that maybe he still loves his girlfriend or he doesnt like me at all? Ciuma was last seen on Feb. 13. Almost seems like we are speaking a different language. Hi thanks for that amazing insighti was wondering if acquarious, when they realise they behaved not so nicely, if they stay away because they feel they failed and that the person wn't like them againdo they also stay away because of guilt? I would ended and be done.. And all he said to me was "i just want to be alone for now". However, if you continue with your neediness or clinginess, hell definitely break up with you no matter how much you mean to him. Wow that was so on point! Join in and write your own page! the key is be patient! Hidden in the tiring and mundane is a chance to transform your prospects in a delightful way. He wants to think things through before making any decision. Hes Really Mad. So its truly his loss. Perhaps he even told you that he wants some me time to recharge his batteries but you didnt listen to him. Pay more attention to what he does. Be that special lady there when he needs support and an euphoria outside of his crazy hectic life. He will text me to death and reply one day and the next he barely comments. The key to an Aquarius man is to not take any crap from them. It has been awesome, like a Harlequin novel. Personal relationship advice based on your natal and composite charts. Ciuma was last seen on Feb. 13. ok I typed it all in notepad first bc I've experienced losing it service and having to re-write everything. Their hot and cold persona can have them changing their minds on a whim. They will date 3-4 girls at the same time. You are absolutely right that you can have them IF you play their game. Yes also, i feel the reason i took ALL the pain was from his past too. because even though we're humanitarians and have love for everybody, we subliminally know who's that special someone in our life, and in the end of the day we'll just have that urge to connect with that person. It still hasn't affected me. He was his usual lovable self in his reply but still has disappeared. He later cofessed that I kinda look fragile, innocent,and that im always happy, and he was afraid he might destroy that. Explore hidden factors such as physical attraction so you can see the whole picture of your relationship. It all comes across rather childish and while it will NEVER be me to chase him, if he contacts me, unless i move onto someone, i will answer him and leave it to go how it goes, provided he is not rude because if he is, then he will be ignored until he finds a way to rectify it and i will not take any s*it, and will cut him out of my mind while he is acting the fool.. On writing this, i fell like i should change my number but when i cut him off once before, he got frightened and turned up at the front door days later.. We talked and i thought things were ok but again the next day nothing. We had 2 amazing dates where he admitted he had a crush on me for the past month and was waiting every day to see if I would come in for work when he was there so he could just look at me. The last time I saw him, we were like one big happy family and he had made changes in his house and room for me and then he disappeared! Hell regret pulling away from a person he can always count on and will most likely be back to his old self soon enough. The next few days we talked once a day and then all of a sudden I didn't hear from him at all. WebAquarius can also disappear since they are only able to bear so much pressure before screaming out for emotional freedom. What will be will be I guess. I have learned that I can do that, and in some odd way, that is satisfying. But he still didn't fight back. One minute hes all over me, wanting to spend time, then the next time I see him, he treats me like we just met yesterday! You can share 5 more gift articles this month.. Than he just straight up Disappeared. im married going through a separation. she needs to know that she is the best thing in the world for her man. DETROIT Police are searching for a Detroit man who failed to return home. Thanks so much for your comments can't tell you enough how much I appreciate it. Why are there 12 signs? Ok so I have read every comment, and I agree with the aries wanting to slap them all! On the third date we became intimate and on the last date (which was last week) it was like he doesn't want to know. Im starting to wonder if I just dont wanna give up because he is such a challenge. I wish you the best and I KNOW, I KNOW its hard. So yeah, plenty of mixed messages/signals. but then when he come again, hed prefer hang out with my friend and her bf while im sick at work! I realized after his break that I should not say I am going to leave as this frightens him, so he says and he is unsure if he wants to move forward when he feels threatened that I will leave. I should of cued in then. It seems that aquarians are selfish and they just figure a person should just deal with all the games and riddles just to be a part of thier lives. Reasons Why an Aquarius Man Pulls Away. So, he used to tease me a lot and make fun and the banter was great though not personal. I think they like to be close and have the company and intimacy but like to be able to take off and do whatever they like, when they like. I think they need to grow up and know that the world doesn't revolve around them and that they need to give to get. Cause i was holding on 2 hope 4 us when he was doing him. He pulls these stupid vanishing acts and then calls me and wants to cuddle and make love. CONT..I may SEEM strong, but this has taken me months to get to this point. Also, keep in mind that your goal is to make him feel your absence, so practice self-restraint and resist the urge to pick up when he calls or texts you. ;(. But does he miss me? I love him so much more than I let on. Its weird. However, I have said this a few times, and there is a weird "drawing" to them that is difficult to walk away from, this is very true, and annoying at the same time!! I have Aquarius friends and my best friend is an Aquarius but this is my first time dealing with one in a romantic situation. Best advise for scorpios is to control your temper and save that sting for the important battles. We have done the break up thing 5 times. He even told me he thought it was cool how I told him that and don't expect anything, I don't know how to take that. One thing that annoys me is how hes always like "oh that girl is hot" or this girl is Hot, I totally get jealous. Maybe the first or 2nd time, but it really is a sign of immaturity no matter how old they are. I texted him and he texted me but things were different. Oftentimes, an Aquarius man has to get his thoughts together before hell sit and discuss it with you. He still has feelings for me its obvious, but what should I do. and, when he came back into the picture he'd want to pick up exactly where we left off, as though he'd never left. Thats how youll prove to him that youre an independent woman who can handle anything that life throws at her and show him that you can live without him. When he backs off, you back off. So the big question is: do I contact him and try to find out WHY, or just leave him be and hope he comes back around? I much prefer the feeling I have when he trests me like I'm his girl, that's really good. If you find your Aquarius man pulling away from you, the best thing you can do is to give him the space he needs. It's like he feels me pulling away and he charms his way back in and then disappears again.can't take much more.Thanks. I am 23, he is 21, but acts very mature for his age. I mean i dont mind giving him hes space like if he wants the whole day go head but if u tell me ima call u back then do so.. dont be saying ill call u back and just call me 2 days after thats meannn.. It wasn't a bad relationship, it was a bit boring (Im a Leo) because his Venus in in Cap, which means grounded & very serious. If you I still haven't heard from him. taken for granted) by this man. He disappears for long periods of time and gives you no explanation. Lol. I was with my Aquarius man for 5 years. I so wish I had an Aquarian friend like you to help me make the right decisions. i mean he really got my heart! And let him keep whatever hobbies he has, because while you may think they are distracting from you, that are also keeping his mind active and away from scary freedom losing thoughts. I've been seeing an aquarius man for 7 years off and on. They want a challenge. He was very insecure person,he always thought i was doing something wrong. Treat yourself to a spa day, get a new haircut, or dress up in a way that you know will get his attention. I have put up with this as long as I can, I have understood he needs time and space.. When an Aquarian disappears / hibernates it is vital that you give them the space that they need. I guess my response to it was emotional and wanting answers which obviously didn't take well to because now he will not talk to me whatsoever. If I like a guy, he knows it. In the long run, having this chat with him may save you from further experiencing pain or wondering whether or not he has the desire to rekindle your relationship. One of my lovely readers had a problem with an Aqua guy who liked to send her flirty texts and then to disappear over and over. I gave this man unconditional love to him & his kids. His actions scream to me that he likes me, the calls, the sharing all his life info, telling me everything. Even tattooed my name on his arm in our first 6 months of dating. Aquarius doesnt commit easily in the first place. I have sent something similar b4 (just after my last posting) when I simply asked to meet up with him but also asked him to let me know if he did not want to take things any further which created a turning point as he did want to meet and rather than him blowing me out we got together a few times and everything seemed wonderful up until last week! I have a txt drafted to him which is simply assuring him that I like him and wanna continue but not sure we should unless he feels the same way. I have no doubt he likes you, but he wants you as a source of fun with no strings attached. WebDisappearing Aquarian. Hi, im a leo and been dating a aquaruis man for a couple of months. Aquarians need their alone time to recharge, to think things Ugh, I am baffled and sometimes want to give up! While not always the case, this is fairly common for Aquarius men. According to the sheriffs office, the missing man 40-year-old Nathaniel Griswold was last seen in the area of Privada Drive. I am losing my mind actually =| HE approached ME, and adamantly. he also kissed me . I have never had a man treat me like Im no big deal before - yet Im curiously drawn to him. Keep ya posted. That was sooo mean of him and cruel. Lmao). But he did the same thing to me calling my friends asking them where i am if i didn't answer my phone. Whats most surprising about Aquarians is that anger and jealousy are a part of their love language. He has been distant but drill there and when i wanted to see him before he turned on me.. he asked me why so even though i respond to his messages with no more than a simple answer and I answer his calls and do not indulge in conversation.. luckily i'm at a point in my life where i'm not needy for attention and don't want to be with a man that hasn't really thought it out and is actually brave enough to face it. But what about when he hurts me? Since I spoke to him i've spoken to a few of my Aquarius Male friends. If youd like to know more about his romantic guy, you may want to check out my specialized series. I never denied the attraction but i don't want to do anything bout it because i don't want to spoil our friendship. We had it out and thought we came to a new understanding of one another. They are very good at playing games. In relationships, they study the little things you do and connect it on a grander scale. So I text him yesterday/today. Just messaged 'all the best' on the days he had exams. Because he has shown me glimpses of it and it was great. Doesn't he miss me like I miss him? Todd Aaron Robinson. Wow! I am used to men chasing me, not me contacting a guy to see if he wants to meet up. They can get YOU, but you cant get THEM. When Aquarius man ignores you, you can just do nothing but mind your own business. It sounds like he isnt entirely over an ex-girlfriend or is boredsince he is single now, so he flirts with you out of the fun. Until Saturday. It's just madness to have to work that hard to be with someone, doesn't make any sense to me! Is there a way I can keep him on my Facebook but also do something about all this ignoring? People work to hard for their money and nobody wants to be know as a dame fool. But, then again, he all of asudden ignores me for a few days. So we started a relationship. Ha, ha, what a joke. I, personally, always stay very affectionate, even when I don't want the relationship to move too fast. I am interested in progress, a good life,spiritual development and beautifying the home to the max, and while a man would be a bonus, not at the cost of my sanity. She needs to know that she is the best thing in the area of Drive. As a dame fool though not personal their minds on a grander scale it on a what to do when aquarius man disappears scale gives... 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