Her father getting transferred from Denver to there when she was a kid. You can still thank God for his faithfulness and trust that he will see you through. Some say that the doctrine of Gods sovereign election is just divisive, impractical theology that we should avoid, because it upsets people. What about divorce, miscarriage, war, earthquakes, tsunamisthe list is seemingly endless. In other words, Paul is not saying that as long as you really love God, He will work everything together for good for you, but if your love for God grows cold, He wont work everything for good. But Gods forever love truly does last forever! mixed and blended along with the good into a beautiful Q. Were all on our own. Others might say, No. Evil doesnt win. The audio and video are both available here. I started out by saying, this is a promise youve heard and know. Our crafts are geared for kids ages 4-12. You know this - that all things work for good for His kids - why? Thats everything. Only life in the Spirit frees us from bondage. If theres a safe place, thats it. Read Romans 8:1, 31-39 (Gods love is forever. Help, Kids Sunday School Place, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Website design by: ThoughtProcess Interactive. 14 For as many are led . If God doesnt have a purpose, then He couldnt work all things according to that purpose. We are adopted in His family. What is condemnation? (A strong disapproval/punishment.)2. We can trust Him; He is faithful. Its unthinkable that the Sovereign God created the universe with no purpose or no plan to achieve that purpose. And it flows out of who He is. For those who hate God and are not called according to His purpose, the future holds condemnation and eternal punishment, if they do not repent. Rather, when we come to Christ, we come freely because He has made us willing by His grace (John 6:37). I'm right here with you." The fear goes away when Daddy comes. We live in a sin-filled world. 3. God is not blind to the suffering that people experience, and neither was the apostle Paul when he wrote this verse. We need to be clear that the bad things that happen to us are not good in and of themselves. Back to that boat. She has a PhD in religious studies from McMaster University and knows everything there is to know about the doctrine of the atonement in the writings of C.S. 29 For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; Lessons in this series: If someone sinned against us, he did us evil (Gen. 50:20). But Hes both. We have to remember that "for our good" does not necessarily mean "for our pleasure" or "for our comfort and security . But you may be thinking, I really dont know anymore. All Rights Reserved. We have to remember that for our good does not necessarily mean for our pleasure or for our comfort and security. As a source of hope. When the music stops, the child holding the bean bag will recite the verse. Although at times our love for God may need reviving (Rev. And in verse 28, we see this rock - to which we can anchor our boat. I've made too many mistakes, made too many poor choices. Doing good. In verses 26 and 27, God points us to the work of His Spirit. Remember. Come to safety. It is the transformation of ordinary selves into heavenly creatures who are in harmony with God, who submit their wills to that of the King of all kings. This is what God can do in our lives as we trust Him. Romans 8:33 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? To those who know Him, or rather are known by Him, these promises apply. It comes to fleshly men and speaks to them as fleshly men. They all have purpose though. I have planned it, surely I will do it., Or, in Ephesians, after stating how God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world and predestined us to adoption as sons (1:4, 5), Paul adds (1:11), In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will. (See, also, Eph. We cant just pretend it doesnt exist. Well be without sin. How else does He show us His love? They are the ones for whom God is working all things together for good. Now think of some good times! But whats Pauls emphasis here? There is a temporal good, and a spiritual good, and an eternal one. "Romans 8:28 says, 'And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." "The Scripture says that God will works in 'some' things for our good, right?" (The kids should answer, 'NO!') "Oh, it says, God works in just the fortunate things, right?" (The kids should answer, 'NO!') Now this is the simplest outline I may ever use. And theyre these: Theres this story in the gospels, in Luke 8. This is how Paul defends verse 28. It is God that justifieth. Or watching the millionth zoom class in a row. This is just a simple way to define a Christian. 28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Arent we free to make choices for which we are responsible? The Bible is clear that God is sovereign and people make choices for which they are responsible. Write it on a notecard or sticky note or create a phone background so you have it with you throughout the week. You were not free to choose when or in what country you were born, to whom you were born, what gender you were born, or what genetic traits you were born with. To entrust ourselves to the free grace of God in Jesus can feel like falling backwards into the arms of a friend who may or may not be there, and may or may not catch us even if he is. He has also encouraged us with the truth that the Holy Spirit is helping us in our weakness by praying for us according to the will of God (8:26-27). He came near. God is for you, despite your failures. We could believe God is in control. We are bold conquerors who know God will never leave us! But there is great comfort in knowing that the sovereign God is working all things together for good for His people. This truth is intensely practical, especially when you face trials. But if we stubbornly refuse the help, then what more can be done? affiliate marketing links, which means we may get paid commission on And so, Romans 8:28 does not mean that all things aregood, but rather that God isredeeming all things. Thanks for visiting! sales of those products or services we write about. The bottom line is: Paul doesnt say, and we feel, or, and we hope, in the sense of uncertainty, but rather, and we know. Why can we know that God is working all things together for our good? Today we will learn why we can be confident in Gods forever love and live boldly for Him. Conclusion: God showed us His forever love by sending Jesus to die for our sins, and He continues to show love by caring for us and leading us. Those passing conversations. In Acts 4:27-28 we read the prayer of the early church when they faced persecution: For truly in this city there were gathered together against Your holy servant Jesus, whom You anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel, to do whatever Your hand and Your purpose predestined to occur. The wicked men were responsible for their sin, but their sin fulfilled rather than thwarted Gods plan. Because God has a plan of salvation. Say it with me: all things work for good. It will work its way through our entire lives and it will transform them. That the persons in whose behalf all things work for good are they who love God, and, consequently, who live in the spirit of obedience. Weve tried to drive two truths into the heads of our kids over the years. The children like competition and look forward to this part of the programme. So much there! God searches all our hearts. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. When mixed together and baked, the result can be delicious! When other handouts are completed, I . Our circumstances might cause us to think otherwise. Can such su, fering be according to Gods will? In response, Paul a, [Christian Literature Crusade], p. 237), Not one link in the chain of actual Redemption is of our for, The Net Pastors Journal, Eng. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. They thought that they were defeated. If God be for us, who can be against us? Remind them that God never forgets. Romans 8:29 says that God wants us to be "conformed to the image of his Son.". Yes, He works all things according to His will. For those who hate God and are not called according to His purpose, the future holds condemnation and eternal punishment, if they do not repent. Metastatic breast cancer. Before, you loved your sin and made excuses for it, but now you hate it and fight against it. And this involves suffering. It is the wiping away of all tears. One of the most helpful things that you can learn with regard to your Christian life is how to handle the trials that inevitably will come your way. Let's face it, we all want our cake and to eat it too! That's what Romans 8:28 is saying. Romans 8:28 in all English translations. Me getting fired from a job and sensing God pulling me toward vocational ministry. And Hes our companion on the trip. And so, what is the kingdom of heaven? And thats also where the people are gonna be. Jesus is asleep. We believe that God is the loving Father of all kids. We might expect that God would have some similarly surprising things in store for us. And on top of that, allow my wife to suffer through breast cancer like this. Or feeling like every one of your friends have forgotten you. After speaking of God as the almighty Creator, who spoke the universe into existence, the psalmist adds (Ps. Reject lies that our identity and self-worth depend on anything other than God's love for us. Jesus is in the boat. 3:11. All things work together only for believers? They escaped, but six of their children burned to death in the inferno. Because this life is not all that there is. These questions might be front and center for us especially now: how can God take a global pandemic and work that for our good? And so, says the heart, God might be for other people, but I've done too much wrong. Things like war, death, human trafficking, and the like are awful. And tomorrow? We appreciate the sunshine more after several days of rain. And nothings going to stop it. All requests for other uses will be considered. It can torture us and kill our bodies. Jesus was raised from the grave in order to defeat death itself. (The is the Deist heresy.) 28 We know that in . We try to check others' faith Theyre trying to get God off the hook for suffering, but they rob Romans 8:28 of its comfort for us in times of suffering. Word Document File. loves each of us and He is in control; we can trust Him! But God didnt inspire Paul to write this to upset us! 1. They can be used as time-filler activities, Sunday School lessons, or for a family worship service based on Romans 8:31-39.They can also be used for personal Bible study at home. This is the same group that loves God, but described from Gods point of view. Lewis. Romans 8:28 is a beautiful promise: "God causes all things to work together for good to those who love Him and Look back. Bible Activities. God works all things together for our comfort. the good and the bad experiences in our lives together for our good and for His good purpose. Hes using the trials to transform us. Hes working, moving everything for us - toward that big goal. Here in chapter 8, he encourages us not to turn from our hope - even in the face of suffering - until Gods redemption is made complete. Through this pandemic. Look back. This helped me to make sense of some things that happen that dont seem to have a good purpose. Therefore I like to find ways for God to continue to bring back the thoughts and lessons from that time. Are they? To understand and apply this verse, we need to think through four truths: This truth is foundational to the truth of Romans 8:28. Amy being baptized at that church and us crossing paths. The righteousness of Christ imputed, secures the soul, the better part, from death. Look at verses 29-30. There is this touching episode in C.S. Then on one square, draw a big heart, and on the other, write "JESUS.". But, what does that mean? Our, New American Standard Bible Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. Hes guiding our journey. The promise of Romans 8:28 that all things work together for our good means that no matter the circumstance, only two things are required. First, what do we see? Even if it tries to kill us. Ephesians 1:11 speaks of God as the one who works all things - thats the same term - according to the counsel of His will. Again, were talking all things. The fruit of all things may not be seen in this life. We wait in the sure hope of the day our bodies will be resurrected and we will share in God's glory (Romans 8:24-25). And in our lives. This means that no sinful person can thwart Gods purpose or plan for your life. Feel free to download, customize, and use them. But our God is more powerful than all the forces of evil and all the rotten things that happen in our lives. Login "Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. I recently taught a Sunday school class on the Book of Romans, so I wanted to make my handouts available to use. The Lord has known and chosen and called children to be made into the likeness of Jesus. Third, what else do we hear in this verse? Any human being, having been around long enough, will face loss, failure, rejection, and other painful experiences. That's why this promise is so amazing: God takes everything that happens, good and bad, and works them for your good. Inductive Bible study on Romans 8:18-39. SONG IDEAS: 1. But in His gracious providence, God will work these terrible things together for our good as we submit to Him and trust in Him. Theyre not especially bad, nor are they seemingly good. Some time this week bake a cake! Couldnt these people mess up Gods plan by their free will?, I dont like the term free will, because its misleading. 4 Its so great to be back in this great building God has provided, preaching the word to you. There is a longing for redemption, time when we are with God, universe is re-created, thinking about this future picture can give us perspective on our present sufferings. Select another exciting Bible based children's Sunday school lesson from Kids Sunday School Place. Sometimes well-meaning Christians recite Romans 8:28 to a person in the throes of grief, trying to help or comfort. Her: Dont battering-ram your head into a metal wall., Me: Umm.at least you dont have a concussion?. Teach kids about the importance of sharing God's love with others with this Christian object lesson for Valentine's Day! Bad things like that. We dont earn His care. Paul describes them in two ways: This is the human side of things, although God is behind it. In a message on Romans 8:28 that he gave at the 2010 Desiring God National Conference, Randy Alcorn mentioned Scott and Janet Willis, who were driving behind a truck when a piece of metal flew off the truck and punctured their gas tank, causing their minivan to explode. Notice what Paul doesnt say. 2:3-7). (Nothing.)7. Continue this activity until all the children have had a chance to say the verse. If youre His child, Hes not going to let you fall out of the boat. Point out an instance where you forgot something. Romans 8:28 is a beautiful promise: "God causes all things to work together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His good purpose." Depending on their ages, you can discuss more in detail how God has used some negative or tough times in your own life to bring about good. 1. But only from afar. Description: Within the book of Romans, the author has given us a path toward salvation. The wind has blown many overboard. But I cant stay in those places. Posts All Comments Followers. But did these evil men, acting under Satans influence, thwart Gods plan? They are scared because they can't see in the darkness. Also have on hand several ingredients used in making a cake from scratch such as flour, sugar, eggs, baking powder, oil, etc. But heres what you may be thinking. And besides You, I desire nothing on earth. He said that our list was incomplete. Romans 9. International Children's Bible (ICB) The Holy Bible, International Children's Bible . These are simple overviews on each chapter along with group discussion questions. How might God be working them for your ultimate good? Whether its a minor irritation at work or a major, life-changing catastrophe, you can trust God to use it in His sovereign purpose to conform you to the image of Christ. It is prayer. God is for you! Romans 8:26-28 Attitude and anticipation has to express itself in action. Week 9: Romans 8:28 . That He is good. The problem we have with Romans 8, and the idea that God is for us, is that we're so familiar with our failures. Maybe a toy or a picture to give to someone. This is the story of redemption and restoration. Can you imagine what the disciples thought on the day that Christ was crucified? Romans 8:28 , Acts 3:1-10 Key Ingredients 1 Corinthians 12:27 , Romans 8:28-29 Stone Soup Romans 8:28-29 The Light of the World John 1:6-8 I'll Be Back! Theyre freaking out. He died for us, has forgiven us. In Romans 8:28-29 we read, "We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Grace in the soul is its new nature; the soul is alive to God, and has begun its holy happiness which shall endure for ever. Translate . And yet God surprised them. God works all things for good is a conditional promise. Across all His creation. If we nurture that seed, it will grow to incredible proportions. He reached down into the depths of our brokenness and began the restoration process. God can and will work out all things for a higher good. Things we acquire. Yes, bad things happen to everyone; no one is immune. This reminds me of a truth that I learnedwhenI became a parent: when my kids call for help, I will come to help them. Amy joining in on a mission trip I led to Haiti and me hitting on her there. Theres a bad way to read this. And God takes up that WHOLE story, every little part of it, and redeems it. He works them toward a particular end. Now I dont have time to really get into how God can be sovereign over evil. When you are "in" something it gives you your position, your place. This is the lesson learned by the skit's main character who is coaxed into eating the singular cake ingredients by bakers who claim . I had long abandoned such ventures. In control. Introduction:Last week we learned that hearing Gods Word, believing in Jesus, and confessing our faith in Him are the steps to become a believer. This truth is all through the Bible, but let me give you two examples. But it cant take our chief treasure. But we know the God who rules over it all. Pauls talking about the circumstances in our lives. The disciples are in a boat. And that Hes good. He has predestined us to be conformed to the image of His Son, and nothing can thwart His sovereign will. All together they create a life that is meaningful, useful, and Hes in control. This You are Special Bible lesson uses verses from Psalm 139, Genesis & John with an object lesson & game! Now: for what kind of good? He gives us good gifts. We need to be reminded not only that God loves us, but also that because He gave His Son for us, we now love Him. Truly I have spoken; truly I will bring it to pass. Today, as we kick things back off again, I want to point you to a familiar passage of Scripture, a promise I think many of you know. Please ask. In the nutshell statement (verse 28) Paul uses the term "work" in a special way. But here in Romans 8, we find something so much better. The purpose of Romans 8:28 is to exhort Christians to reorient themselvesto change their perspectives. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. So those who have tasted Gods love through the gospel love Him. And we see that so clearly here in this chapter. There is no comfort in the view that God is not sovereign over the terrible things that happen to us. Permission is given for non-profit use of the information from this web page provided it is accompanied by the citation: Used by permission of Susan Smart www.CreativeBibleStudy.com The evil person at work who lied about you and got you wrongfully fired didnt divert Gods purpose for your life. Everything happens according to His reasons. Want more resources? This verse lovingly shouts to us that God is in control. She told Randy, Ive had a ministry to disabled people for many years. disclosure is provided in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR 255.5: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.. Go to "Worshiping With Children" on Facebook. If nothing can separate us from Gods love, then what do we have to fear? And Hes a good one, a perfect one, at that. 'Oceans' by Yancy 3. You can also see the full manuscript below. The all things of verse 28 refer back to the sufferings mentioned earlier in the chapter. But cant you see how Hes been good? Getting "down in the dumps" is a natural response to the sometimes asphyxiating . He During trials the devil tempts us to doubt Gods love for us. They signed up for success, not suffering. Copyright, Steven J. Cole, 2011, All Rights Reserved. God is taking all of creation, even the broken stuff, and renewing and redeeming it. But the point is, no choice of the worst sinner, even of a man like Hitler, can thwart Gods purpose to save and glorify His people. ), there would have been tremendous social pressure to keep you from turning against your family by believing in Christ. International Children's Bible (ICB) Bible Book List. And - I never do this - but Im going to have you recite it with me, as we go through. May we see that transformation in our lives and in our world today and all the days of our lives. Q. Talk about things that seemingly last forever, such as large amounts of money, batteries, clothing, going to school, etc. All things. Theyre difficult. In your doubts, call out to Him in prayer. But at the moment of loss, the grieving person mostly needs your presence and your help with practical matters. The New Testament tells of the greatest evil that has ever been committed, when sinful men crucified the sinless Son of God. Hes also our Father. Think about the preposition "in". None of us would love God if He had not first loved us (1 John 4:19; Eph. With the hope that God will imprint it on our minds. If so, then be assured that God is working all things together for good for you. content is not influenced by advertisers or affiliate partnerships. He uses the mess of humans to tell an incredible story beyond what we can imagine. So they fell away when the trials hit. For we are given the choice to lay down our own wills, our own ideas about how life should be, our goals and ambitions, anything that we might hold up higher than God himself, and to follow Him, or to take up our arms and barricade ourselves against Gods kingdom. If we cannot make sense of our suffering at the moment we go through it (or even for some time after), then we can at least rest assured that we are in good company in our confusion. It has to.. About Us Romans 8:28-39 Lesson 299. 13:20-21). We spell God, G-O-D. Now, let's play "1 - 2 - 3 Spell G-O-D". The kingdom of heaven, I think, is like a seed that is growing inside each one of us. They were not expecting a bodily resurrection. We will always have God's love no matter what happens to us, so we don't have to fear the circumstances we face on earth. If we submit our wills to God, again and again, then he will take the entirety of our life, all thestuffthat makes us us, and he will redeem it; he will transform us into heavenly creatures who are in harmony with him. There is no exception. Even someone touching or maybe eating a virus-infected bat in a market in Wuhan, China. Hes wanting us to look a different direction. That the creature doth therefore earnestly expect and wait for the manifestation of the children of God, Romans 8:19; Romans 8:19. But no. Not just despite the winds or despite the waves, but really in them and through them, God is carrying us to the destination He intends for us. Romans 5:8. Paul - Paul experienced beating and spent a great deal of time in prison; even in these times God used him to write thirteen books of the Bible. The Middle School Exchange. He used torture and death to bring about new life. Life is full of disappointments, pain, suffering, and hurts. Unlock everything with Sermons4Kids Plus for $249/year Click YES, UPGRADE NOW and unlock Sermons4Kids Plus for $249 today. 'Get Down' by Amber Sky Records GAME IDEAS: 1) Mighty Warriors. Or that even when we go through bad things, something good is always going to come from it - in this life. We have to take the long view when it comes to all things working together for our good. Not some things. And that should bring us a healthy kind of fear - but also a deep, abiding peace. UNIT 5: Service (3 weeks) Session 11. And the waves will end up consuming you. In particular, theyre for our good. We needed to add another point. Description: Part of Sharefaith Kids Foundations of Faith series, Adoption draws from Romans 8, Galatians 3 and Ephesians 1 to present the amazing Biblical doctrine of Adoption. Thats all the things. Because He first loved us. Why are we persecuted, sometimes to death? Note: Handouts are available for the chapters I taught in class. We cant neglect those two important clauses that let us know who these promises apply to. What it does say, however, is that God works all things together for the good of those who love him and are who are called according to his purposes. Its not just everything happens for a reason. No. Sin has blinded all of us toward the things of God. If it includes feelings, how can we keep our feelings passionate. Hell save us completely. The second discipleship lesson is that the power to live a Spirit-led life is available to us. Font Size Passage Resources Hebrew/Greek Your Content. But if we have sinned and we repent and submit to Gods loving discipline, He can use our sin to teach us not to trust in ourselves, as He did with Peter after his denials of Christ. Printed lyrics to love songs; Printed copies of Romans 8:38-39 (one for each student) Heart cut outs; Tape; Black sharpies; OPENING GAME - LOVE, DON'T LAUGH Say: It looks like we're all too short. And again, His goal isnt that we always feel good, but that we look like His Son. Not all cake ingredients taste good by themselves; some taste good and some do not. Paul makes a great declaration: God works for the good. It is the story of each one of us. (Nothing!)9. We call out to Him - but only because He first called out to us. Amy losing her mom from a tonsillectomy gone wrong and spiraling into a life of sin. The fact remains that there are some really crummy things in the world and in our lives, and many of them cant be explained away or given a silver lining. : all things together for good right here with you. & quot ; work & quot ; in & ;... To death in the gospels, in Luke 8 His good purpose to... For it, and redeems it that he will see you through the! A simple way to define a Christian weve tried to drive two truths into the depths of our lives who. Story of each one of us toward the things of verse 28 ) Paul uses the free... 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