Get creative with the scavenger hunt by hiding funny items in different rooms or asking recruits to retrieve things, like three pens from the supply closet or a snack bar from the office kitchen. Then, give them a long piece of rope or yarn, instructing each person to hold onto their piece. Gather the cards, then pass them out at random and have the students find the cards original owner. Have team members walk around and mingle amongst themselves in a large, open space. But to achieve all this from your icebreaker session, you need to choose your idea carefully. Would you rather only have summer or winter for the rest of your life? Once the time has passed, have each of the partners introduce each other in only three words. How to Organize a Team for Long-Term Remote Working, Top Tips for Hiring Remote Employees in Marketing, Online Team Building Activities Your Company Needs. You can make sure your activities dont backfire by avoiding For this game, have everyone bring in an embarrassing photo and tell the story behind it. Team members need to repeatedly recite their answers aloud while wandering around the room to find other people saying that same answer. If you're discussing company changes, for instance, maybe you'll start by quizzing team members on company history facts (e.g. - What do you value in a team? Regardless of which icebreakers you choose, they all help promote team bonding and collaboration between groups. We recommend pre-pairing teammates in a spreadsheet so everyone can come prepared with something to say. Each player must put their right hand in the middle of the circle andthehand of a player who is not to their immediate left or right. - Employees will need to turn their camera off while searching for the item in their home, - Team members who have found an item on the list should turn their camera back on. Have them wear a specific colour. Have your coworkers take turns showing their cool party (or office) tricks. This icebreaker game will have everyone thinking on their feet. The player standing next to them then says ha twice. The players in this icebreaker game will line up on one side of a room and a designated leader will be instructed to say either, Red Light, or, Green Light. Ask coworkers which genres theyd rather watch, or which theyd want to be in. Employee orientation often gives employees a birds-eye view of the company. If your institution has a large population of international students, make sure you use a space large enough for students to sprawl to their home country. Once they have been given their materials, set a timer and get ready to build! In meetings, it can be hard to communicate or understand everyones perspective on a project unless everyone has the floor to say whats on their mind. Would you rather go on a hike or see a movie? The orientation leader will prepare questions on small pieces of paper and put one question inside a balloon. Before a meeting, simply go around the room, and ask each person to share one accomplishment they had before they turned 18. This game is simple and meant to energize your team. Simply choose a brief personality quiz on your phone or computer (if you're stuck, here's a list), and pull it up on a projector or send the link to everyone. Once everyone has their three clues, go around the group and have each student present their three clues for the group to guess where theyre from. Two truths and a lie is always a terrific way to learn fun When you have a big team, even remembering everybodys name is a challenge. Copy the link and share it with your colleagues. Your new employee orientation is typically a presentation or interactive course for your new hires to get acquainted with the company culture as well as the policies and procedures you have in place. Split the group into two teams. Icebreakers are doable on all types of teams small, large, and even virtual onboarding programs. Gather your group and dedicate some time forstudents to think of their two truths and a lie. Try not to blush too hard when they get to yours. Gartic Phone gives you a short time frame to sketch photos based on other players prompts and can result in some hilarious artwork. This continues until eachperson has participated. 2006-2023 Wrike, Inc. All rights reserved. For the icebreaker, pass out the bingo cards and instruct the orientees to find people whom the bingo spots apply to. Sorry, this content is unavailable due to your privacy settings. Each student will go to one side of the room based on their preference. Example: Would you rather play basketball for the rest of your life or football?. Using Podcasts to Increase College Student Engagement, Institutional Strategies to Increase College Student Engagement, Boost Learning Outcomes and Earnings with These Student Organization Fundraising Tips, 5 Mindfulness Practices You Can Engage Students in Virtually. Enter a nickname (dont worry; this wont automatically start a game). As Wujec explains, the game forces participants to think quickly and work together. Everyone will pick up adifferentpaper airplane from their own and then findits rightful owner and ask them the question that is written on the plane. Two Truths and a Lie. Then, instruct them to arrange themselves according to some sort of sortable category. The group leader will select one student to hide, and everyone else searches for the hidden person when someone finds them, they secretly join them. The Marshmallow Challenge is an activity that needs to be done in person and with everyone in the same room but it's one of the favorite physical icebreakers for promoting teamwork. You can split your students into small groups, allowing each student to share their sentence with their group mates. Icebreakers are designed to make your entire team feel comfortable in the new job, whether they are office employees or remote teams. Ask the group to try and figure out who is connected to each fact. A win, win. This one is simple: You have 72 seconds to meet as many of your peers as possible. Choose the game letters (most will be pre-chosen), the number of players, and the number of rounds. This icebreaker helps your team get to know each other even when they work remotely and can spark conversation on what everyone likes or dislikes. Though the games may seem silly, they can impart useful information about the company, help your new employees learn about the office, and even encourage them to build important relationships. This ice breaker can promote team bonding, and it's one of the easier options on the list. During the game, everyone can chime in or give reasons as to why someone deserves the title, and the group consensus will be the final decision. Theyll have to act out the behaviors, facial expressions, or even the iconic Im flying scene from Titanic. It felt like exactly what it was: organized fun. Every person mingling will then have to quickly form a group in the size of the number called. Other players can score more points for identifying the word the fastest and take turns going until the timer goes out. Divide the group into 2-5 teams. ", She continued, "For example, some folks on our team dont watch a lot of T.V. Thatperson then says zop while pointing to a third person. Break the group off into pairs and give them some time to get to know one another. Someone with that same interest should either drop a note in the chat or raise their hand. Pick one player to start the game, saying ha once. Free Presentation Template to Explain and Share Your Company Culture, We're committed to your privacy. Go around the room and ask each of them to share a quick fact about their hometown and why they decided to attend your institution. Their turn will begin, and they will share a new interest. Once everyone is finished, they must present their poems to the group. Have everyone chime in one-by-one on whether they agree or disagree. I ziplined in Switzerland once." Figure out whos a fan of the classics by clapping and stomping to the rhythm of We Will Rock You by Queen, or do whatever it takes to help your colleagues recognize your favorite tunes. This icebreaker can be helpful in new-employee or management training to lighten the pressure of starting a new job. The group leader then asks a few students to drop their part of the string; as this happens, the yarnwill begin to tangle. Kahoot is a trivia platform you can use for free (hosts up to 10 people). New school, new friends, and new experiences The idea of having to deal with these three things can be overwhelming for an incoming first-year college student. See how long your team can keep the chain going. This game encourages everyone to think about a certain topic in smaller groups ahead of time, which could increase participation during the meeting. When joining a new work environment, it can be hard to fit in when your coworkers have already cultivated a relationship of their own. One of the first ways you get to greet somebody in the workplace is with a handshake. They must find other employees who can check off one other bingo squares by signing a square that applies to them. Fun and lighthearted, icebreakers are a great way to connect remote attendees while also creating a positive atmosphere from the start. Here are examples of icebreakers you can use for training: 1. The objective is for everyone to learn each others names. Players get to choose from three random prompts to quickly interpret and draw their vision. The activity can be easier or harder depending on the time limit you give, but three minutes is a good starting point. - Are you a morning person or a night person? This game is great because it's high-energy and encourages employees to talk to and get to know one another by prompting them to speak about certain topics. It can also be helpful as a way of lightening the mood on teams that regularly deal with stressful projects or situations. Have the group form a circle and toss a ball around the circle. This is one you can easily do via email or your instant message platform. Everyone should write down five surprising facts about themselves on an index card (make sure they arent obvious these should be things like I once went hang gliding in Iceland rather than I have brown hair). Icebreaker Bingo is a great way to bond with large teams because it can include as many people as you want. Youd be surprised how hard it is to maintain a frown when surrounded by your favorite colleagues, not to mention how funny theyll look during the game. comments powered by You can also adapt this game to be Name Boggle instead of birthdays. The group leader can then ask one question for everyone to answer, such as why did you choose to attend this university? The first person answers the question, takes a part of the yarn, and then passes the ball to another group member seatedaround the circle. Next time you're settling into a meeting or team bonding outing, take turns going around the table and asking each person a "Would You Rather" question. - What do you want your colleagues to know about your work ethic? Alternatively, create a running spreadsheet with team members names and their hobbies. Like, Whats the name of our CEOs goldfish?. Thankfully, companies can choose from plenty of new activities beyond telling a fun fact with the group. Have everyone popcorn to someone after their turn, or go alphabetically. Team building is an essential part of onboarding and new hire orientation. Set a photo theme for the day. Its almost like a Whisper Down the Lane is an icebreaker game where team members form a larger circle and share a random message whispered into the ear of someone to their left. This is probably one of the silliest icebreakers in this list, but its definitely worth trying for the fun of it all. Everyone will receive someone elses sentence and have the opportunity to draw it. Its a good idea to buy some foam earplugs in bulk so that students with sensory processing difficulties can still participate without the sound becoming overwhelming. For this game, youll need to prepare by purchasing two identical jigsaw puzzles. My name is Lindsey and I like lettuce and his name is Luke and he likes lemons.). Have your group sit in a circle and pick a starting person. - Have the facilitator give each employee a clue that refers to each item on the list. Have everyone popcorn to someone after they show their item, or go alphabetically. Make sure you establish guidelines for what they should be learning name, pronouns, where theyre from, what they want to major in, or anything else you decide. Sound Ball is an imaginative icebreaker that gives everyone a chance to get moving and energized. For example, We both have brown hair wont work. Icebreakers are a critical component of any student affairs professionals toolbox, so we put together a jumbo list of 60 icebreakers to help you refresh your icebreakers for orientation, RA training events, and more! - Each team member has to share two "roses," which means any positive event in their life right now, - The team members would then share one "thorn," which refers to an issue they are currently facing. Gather your entire team in a room and ask a simple question (for example, Whats your favorite color?). Then, divide your group into evenly-sized teams. Asking "How is everyone?" Designate a team member ahead of time to share their Would You Rather question. Whether its purposeful or not, showing up late to the party means youre automatically on the outside of all the inside jokes, coffee runs, and water cooler chats. Simon Says is a game as old as time, but it never stops being fun. Even if you think you already know your team well, youre bound to be surprised. Doing this icebreaker is a great way to build connections remotely. HubSpot uses the information you provide to us to contact you about our relevant content, products, and services. Two will be true and one will be a lie. Coworkers can take turns guessing which is the lie. We make it simple for companies of all sizes to drive continuous engagement, gather actionable insights, and curate exciting journeys. Superlatives Tell the new employees to line up Ask everyone to gather in a circle. Theres plenty of destinations on your coworkers radar, get to know them a little better by getting to know where they want to go and why. If the word icebreaker alone made you cringe, youve probably experienced your fair share of get-to-know-you activities that were awkward at best. Second, the Marshmallow Challenge encourages people to think quickly and offer alternative solutions when their initial idea fails. Allow the teams time to deliberate and then ask them to present the item they chose and why. Place a map and a set of pins at the front of a large conference room before a big meeting. Have fun finding out who agrees with you (and who does not)! The team whoreturns to the rendezvous point the soonest (with the most correct finds) wins. Drawasaurus is one of my favorite online drawing games to play with colleagues. Team building is an essential part of onboarding and new hire orientation. This continues around the circle (unless someone screams or acts like a pterodactyl, which changes the direction of their turn). The team that can make the tallest structure for their marshmallow to perch on wins. This is when the group leader can discuss the importance of each person in a team or group. One of the most crucial parts of the onboarding process is taking the time to help new hires smoothly integrate into their new team and connect with their colleagues. Have your groupform a closecircle. These suggestions will be sure to make your employees love their jobs. This continues until one of the lines is exhausted. Ask which hero they would like to be and why based on their stories or abilities. The orientation leader has a large ball of yarn and asks the group to sit in a circle. If your goal is simply to encourage team bonding, your quiz can be more fun like, "Match the lyrics with this 80's song." The group is instructed to line up according to their birthdays but in complete silence. Continue this until the last person in the circle repeats everyones name and favorite hobby, including their own. Steps in Making the New Hire WelcomeBegin the process before the new person starts work. Make sure that key coworkers know the employee is starting and encourage them to come to say "hello" before orientation begins. Assign a mentor or buddy, to show the new person around, make introductions, and start training. Start with the basics. More items What they have in common is that they are usually done during employee onboarding for new hires and during big team meetings to help set the tone. Instead of taking your new recruits on a tour of the office, let them explore their new workspace for themselves with a fun scavenger hunt. Once they've shared with their groups, you can invite them to share their word with the entire room. As people walk in, ask them to place a pin where they were born or raised. The first player then attempts to say pterodactyl to the student to their right while keeping their teeth covered by their lips. Some suggested sentences for this exercise include: Before I came to college, my main interests were, The way I would describe my family is, and The things I value most are. For this icebreaker game, the leader will tape a label to each players back with a celebrity or household name. Scavenger hunt. The first personsays zip and points to another member of the group, whothen says zap and points to someone else. Use a Sharpie and write on a beach ball with getting-to-know-you questions. Break the students up into pairs and send them off with their list and these simple instructions: Find as many of thethings on the list as you can in the time allotted. The Social Justice Toolbox has a comprehensive lesson plan for you, but heres the short version: Everyone will sit in a circle with their eyes closed. - Have a facilitator come up with a list of objects that employees need to find in their homes. 5. If another ninja is successful in hitting your hand, you must put that arm behind your back and continue with one arm. Maybe the week has been busy for you and your team, or its going on your fourth meeting of the day. With this icebreaker, youd ask everyone in your team to drop the most accurate emojis of their current mood or state of mind in a chat box (assuming theyre using Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.) Youll also get brownie points if you save and share some of the funniest drawings and share them with the team on Slack afterward. Whichever group is able to get themselves into the correct order first wins that round. This icebreaker is played like a competition between multiple orientation groups. As a virtual team, you dont have the benefit of being in the same room or doing some of the above physical activities together. Ask the group to form a circle. All of these are great conversation starters and employees will learn not just about their team members but also about themselves too. Have everyone get into a circle and one person will start. Once everyone is finished, switch up the groups. Office tour. Have everyone divide into two teams, and have one player at a time pantomime (act out) the subject for their own respective teammates. Sign up to start creating engaging polls today. Beware, some coworkers have impressively bad dad jokes saved up for these moments, so the competition will be fierce. Free and premium plans, Content management software. Once everyone is done making their airplanes, have everyone fly their planes across the room. And because it is so well-known, it can save you time having to explain to the team overly complicated rules to a new game. Meet-and-greets. If no one guesses correctly, popcorn your turn to someone else. In the Bad Joke Contest, youll have everyone recite the corniest joke they can muster and have everyone vote on who was the most cringeworthy. These items could be something they use daily, like a pen or a chair. Each student will write on a blank card with one-to-three statements about themselves. Have one team member start making a noise youd hear in a song like percussion and have others gradually add to the beat. Shuffle a deck of cards and hand out one card per student. - What is the best thing that's happened to you in the last year? Published: Maybe its by height or shoe size, or perhaps its by birth month, or number of years with your company. Have everyone chime in one-by-one with their answer. Provide each student with a piece of paper and something to write with. Find someone who has worked for the company ten years or longer, Find someone whose favorite color is pink. If youre on Zoom, post the question on the chat or share it via your screen. Before orientation begins, the orientation staff will create bingo cards that describe individuals and their experiences. Make it fun. Let your team know ahead of time that youll be doing a show and tell. final exams, the school mascot, writing a paper, etc.). Icebreakers play an important role in helping new hires connect with one another and the company in their new, unfamiliar environment. At the end of the exercise, ask each recruit to introduce their partner to the group. Put your phone on silent. Have everyone form a circle. Share your thoughts on Twitter, and we just might update this blog post to include your idea. Once they are done, have them tape it to their back. Yet, when ice breakers are done well, they can bring positive results. Orientation is part of your wider employee onboarding strategy, is crucial for making a good first impression, and helps with employee retention in the long run. Outside of the workplace, your teammates are people with aspirations and goals you wouldnt know about from the average coffee chat. The benefits of a great icebreaker can't be underestimated for new hires. Newly hired employees should always arrive on time, or early, throughout the onboarding process. A unique culture within the workplace is essential when competing for talented new hires and it doesnt have to come with a hefty price tag. When throwing the ball the individual will say their name and then the person they are throwing it to. The host of the game can choose from topics as broad as foods and countries or as weird as Things Granny would say.. If you're stranded on a desert island and have the option of bringing three items with you, what three items would they be? The process is simple: every player goes around and names three facts or tells three stories. Each student will thenshow off a special skill or hidden talent that they have. Once the allotted time has passed, reconvene the group andhave each person introducetheir partner instead of themselves. Editor's note: This post was originally published in September 2018 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. In this icebreaker game, have everyone write 10 facts about themselves on paper and place them each into their own envelopes. To prepare for the activity, write out 20 or so questions on slips of paper and place them in a hat or other receptacle. Nothing fills a meeting with smiles like photos of colleagues furry friends. Have the instructor lead the meeting from the start, ideally with a time limit on the activity. If both of your hands get hit, you are out. And best of all, once employees get warmed up they usually come up with hilarious either-or scenarios that promote good conversations. Your orientation should include a thorough tour of your facility, office, or workspace. Instructions Go to Once you've passed out the bingo cards, let all the players wander around with a bingo board and pen. Planning a few new hire orientation games will help you break up those mundane to-dos while encouraging your team members to get to know each other and forge some beneficial bonds. For this icebreaker, all you have to do is answer the question about your favorite things. To run this remotely, you'll want to share your screen with your team. Collect allof the responses and place them in a bowl. Continue going around the group. The winner goes to the end of their lineand the other person sits out for the rest of the game. This icebreaker is ideal for RA training or for student leader trainings. Make sure to take a selfie with the place or object in view! Allow your new hires to talk to their supervisors or other managers and ask them questions as well. Similar to Charades, Guess Who is a great icebreaker where you can mimic famous people or even your coworkers. 60 Awesome Icebreakers for Orientation and Beyond, New school, new friends, and new experiences . Imagine that youre bringing on new team members, and youd like some ideas for new hire orientation icebreakers to lighten the mood and encourage some bonding right out of the gate. 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