Mengele, the notorious 'angel of death' doctor at Auschwitz camp whose body was believed found last year in Brazil, received payments from the family of between $100 and $175 a month to sustain him during his more than 35 years of hiding in South America, his son said last year. They felt themselves, as one put it, ''completely elevated, segregated from the hurly-burly of the camp.'' . Mengele was convinced that the boys were tubercular, but the various inmate doctors, including the radiologist, found no trace of that disease. Since it is known that a few ordinary siblings masqueraded as twins, upon discovering the advantages of doing so, there is reason to doubt the reliability of Mengele's research. Because identical twins (derived from the same ovum) possess the same genetic constitution, they have traditionally been used in research on hereditary influences. '', Measurements were taken of the twins' skulls and bodies and various characteristics of the nose, lips, ears, hair and eyes. Mengele formally relinquished his inheritance in the family business, which today has annual sales of $80 million. She had married Josef Mengele on July 28, 1939. But the prisoners saw it differently. The death camp, she said, was like a city dog pound, with Mengele as the inspector checking up on the keepers -the inmate doctors - and on the dogs - the inmates. A street was named after him. Why is China cracking down on prominent business figures? If this explanation rings hollow to the survivors of the concentration camp where Mengele performed his cruel, grotesque medical experiments and to the memory of all the victims of the Holocaust, Rolf Mengele found his interpretation of his legal duty equally debatable. His impulse toward omnipotence and total control of the world around him were means of fending off anxiety and doubt, fears of falling apart - ultimately, fear of death. ''Everything,'' he said in an interview, ''comes together like a zipper. Occasionally, Josef would return to Guenzburg, and his son would see him, this man he did not know, as the man walked with Rolf`s mother in the woods. THOUGH USUALLY COOL IN HIS CONDUCT OF SELEC-tions, Mengele was passionate in pursuing his ''scientific research.'' Amit withstood pressure from many members of his staff who were Holocaust survivors or relatives of victims. Those who are identified had previously made themselves known in books or other public documents.) Mengele's sadism was of a piece with these other traits. The marriage was dissolved in 1954. Indeed, during recent weeks he had already begun to fall from grace as a symbol of pure evil. Looking back, some former Mossad officers expressed regrets. Reporters from all over the world flocked to Gnzburg, which was nicknamed "Mengele Town." BONN In the nearly 40 years since Dr. Josef Mengele left West Germany, family members have lived under a ''monstrous shadow'' cast by the Nazi fugitive, running ''The main thing about him,'' an observant inmate-doctor stated, ''was that he totally lacked feeling.'' And Mengele considered these views to be scientifically derived. I am sorry to say, however, there was not even that much understanding between us. these two especially . She refuses to discuss him. They dealt with physical characteristics and abnormalities and, in each case, emphasized the role of heredity -an emphasis in keeping with trends in German and international scholarship at the time. Evil Josef Mengele spent the rest of his life on the run after the Second World War but, while holed up in South America, he kept a chilling secret diary. Auschwitz enabled him not only to observe and measure twins to compare them in life, but to arrange for them to die together. That kind of sadism was manifest in his smiling enthusiasm at selections. There isn't a piece of body that wasn't measured and compared. '', There was an easy rhythm in his approach to selections. Along with several other doctors, he was questioned in 1958 on suspicion of practicing medicine without a license when a teenage girl died after an abortion, but he was released without charge. . By 1943, he held the rank of Sturmbannfhrer, the equivalent of a major, and was transferred to Auschwitz, where he worked as camp doctor. In addition to the area used by SS physicians, Mengele had three offices of his own, mainly for work with twins. Read more:Seventy-five years ago, the Nazis carried out the mass murder of Sinti and Roma people at Auschwitz, Gnzburg made international headlines in February 1985, when a symbolic "tribunal" was held on Mengele at Israel's Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, with cameras recording survivors' stories of the atrocities committed by the doctor. In a process I call ''doubling,'' a new self takes shape that adapts to the evil environment, and the evil acts become part of that self. He was describing Mengele's Auschwitz self, the new self that can take shape in virtually anyone in adapting to an extreme environment. He was enabled to feel nothing in killing a young twin, even one he had been fond of, to make a medical point. and crying bitterly. And survivors tell of Mengele's proclaiming on Tisha B'Av, the commemoration of the destruction of the first and second temples, ''We will have a concert.'' The Mengele family firm, Soehne Maschinenfabrik und Eisengiesserei GmbH und Co. of Guenzburg, Bavaria, specializes in agricultural machinery and is the largest of its kind in Europe. There were less benign research programs on twins. July 17 (UPI) -- CPI Aerostructures has secured a five-year contract worth $21 million to manufacture and supply fuel panel assemblies for Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters. (I have preserved the anonymity of the people I interviewed. '', One inmate doctor, in his own excruciating struggles to come to terms with Mengele, thought of him as ''the double man'' who had ''all the human feelings, pity and so on,'' but also had in his psyche an ''impenetrable, indestructible cell, which is obedience to the received order.''. But by the time he reached Brazil in 1960, after 10 years of hiding in Paraguay, his funds had dwindled. '', The twins lived in an atmosphere that combined sanctuary with terror. As one recalled, they never forgot they were in Auschwitz where, starting in the summer of 1944, they could clearly see ''flames really coming up every day, every night'' from the open pits in which bodies were burned, and they could ''hear every evening a cacophony of screams'' and breathe in ''the unbearable smell. the Angel of Death, was an infamous physician and SS officer in the Auschwitz concentration camp, where he performed inhumane experiments on inmates.. To give a taste, He supervised an operation by which two Romani children were sewn together to create conjoined twins [] Mengele also sought out pregnant Occasionally, though, his detachment could give way to outbreaks of rage and violence, especially when he encountered resistance to his sense of ''the rules.'' ''For that reason, it was no typical father-son relationship,'' he said. By then, Palestinian terrorism had become Israels main security challenge, and the Mossad devoted most of its efforts to that threat. The letters also show that, although he now lived in a country where interracial marriage was the rule, rather than the exception, Mengele had not changed his racist views. The most notorious Nazi fugitive, unsuccessfully pursued for decades, had suddenly appeared - as bones in a Brazilian grave. Verschuer notified the German Research Society, "My assistant, Dr. Josef Mengele (M.D., Ph.D.) joined me in this branch of research. SS doctors also controlled and supervised the inmate doctors who alone did whatever actual medical treatment was done. TEL AVIV For decades, Israels espionage agency, the Mossad, kept a file on Josef Mengele, the Nazi doctor responsible for, among other atrocities, selecting Finally, Bossert said, ''our friend left us forever on a tropical beach. When Begin came in, he thought that not enough was being done and that there was a need to go on hunting Nazis, Hofi later said in a classified interview with the Menachem Begin Heritage Center. MUNICH, West Germany -- The farm machinery company owned by the family of Nazi concentration camp doctor Josef Mengele was rescued from bankruptcy by the state of Bavaria, a West German newspaper said today. In 1949, Mengele told Irene he was leaving for South America, where those who were ''persecuted'' in postwar Germany not only were welcome but respected. But Mengele was already dead. Accompanying Rolf and Sedlmeier to the skiing resort were his Aunt Martha, the wife of Josef`s late brother, Karl; and her son, Karl-Heinz. He was ''very sensitive about bad smells,'' an inmate doctor reported, so that before he arrived, ''the doors and windows had to be opened.'' Another prior trait, Mengele's schizoid tendencies, were reflected in survivors' accounts of his ''dead eyes'' - eyes that showed no emotion, that avoided looking into the eyes of others. She hung up. ''The family here is highly regarded,'' said Mayor Rudolf Koeppler. For the first time in Rolf`s life, he received an allowance and was permitted to order food in a restaurant like an adult, telling the waiter what he wanted. "When I heard his footsteps, I crawled under the pallet, ducked and closed my eyes. Cold War Berlin was inundated with spies, and the Mossad preferred when possible not to work there. The world watched in fascination as scientific examination seemed to confirm that these were the right bones. The two boys, the radiologist added, had been favorites with all the doctors - including Mengele. But this demonization made him something of a deity, a nonhuman or even superhuman force, and served as a barrier to any explanation of his behavior. There was nothing.'' ''It was an axiom,'' one of them told me, ''that Mengele is God. Stern, another West German weekly, has also published an account of Josef Mengele`s escape after the war, his exile and his years under another identity. Matriculating not only at Munich but also at Bonn, Vienna and Frankfurt, he came to concentrate on physical anthropology and genetics, eventually working under Professor Freiherr Otmar von Verschuer at the Institute of Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene at Frankfurt. . ''the smallest slip of paper and all movable valuables,'' were being kept in the Bossert home, but he was ambivalent about what to do with it. Her brother-in-law, Alois Fischer, who shared a room with Mengele at the farm, was more skeptical. He always carried around him an aura of some terrifying threat, which is, I suspect, unexplainable to normal human beings who didn't see this.'' Israeli operatives installed listening devices in Rolfs home and office, and in his phones. "I lived in Auschwitz the longest." Connect with the definitive source for global and local news. Mengele's ideology considerably influenced his intellectual choices. An inmate radiologist told of a pair of gypsy twins, ''two splendid boys of 7 or 8, whom we were studying from all aspects - from the 16 or 18 different specialties we represented.'' [Twins step forward!] The twin children frequently called him ''Uncle Pepi.'' .'' After some silence, Mengele added, ''Yes, I dissected them.'' But she would not consider following her husband into an uncertain future in a distant country. If it is not possible to bring them to trial, to kill them., The pursuit resumed with a vengeance. But their conclusions uniformly reflect Mengele's commitment to bringing science into the service of the Nazi vision. The Los Angeles Times Syndicate has purchased the North American rights to the Bunte articles for an undisclosed amount; Bunte was reported to have asked between $200,000 and $350,000. He often sent prisoners with skin blemishes - even those with small abscesses or old appendectomy scars - to the gas chamber. . An exemplar of pure evil is not supposed to experience loneliness or to care for another person. The body of a man who drowned off a beach in in Brazil in 1979 was identified last year as that of Mengele by a team of international experts. Documents and interviews reveal that contrary to popular belief, for most of the time that Mengele was in hiding, the Mossad wasnt looking for him at all or placed finding him far down its to-do list. Jaumann, the Bavarian finance minister would not say how much state cash was used in the bailout but said the rescue was justified because the firm dominates the economy in Guenzberg, employing 1,100 people in a town of 14,000. . The typewritten letters and handwritten notes were found when police files were being reorganised, and excerpts were translated and published by the newspaper Folha de S Paulo. I had to realize that toward me he did not express any kind of guilt or remorse.''. The son of a well-to-do Bavarian industrialist, Mengele is remembered by an acquaintance as a popular young man, an enthusiastic friend. He was an early Nazi enthusiast, enlisting with the SA (the storm troopers) in 1933, applying for party membership in 1937 and for SS membership the following year. Mengele, the notorious 'angel of death' doctor at Auschwitz camp whose body was believed found last year in Brazil, received payments from the family of between I thought he would not find me.". However, it has since suffered losses because of the effects of some European Community farm-policy decisions and the April 26 Soviet nuclear disaster at Chernobyl, Jaumann told the newspaper. He also said he had met secretly with his father once in Switzerland in 1956 and once in Sao Paulo in 1977. WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT THE man who arrived in Auschwitz in May 1943 is not especially remarkable. At this point, the person and his behavior are anything but banal. "like the Nazis did.". Nobody could touch Mengele. He escaped the international manhunt and fled to South America with his family's financial support in 1949. According to his friend, Mengele arrived at the camp with a special aura because he was coming more or less directly from the front. On July 23, 1962, the Mossad operative Zvi Aharoni (who had identified Eichmann two years earlier) was on a dirt road by the farm where Mengele was believed to be hiding when he encountered a group of men including one who looked exactly like the fugitive. Mengele's diary reveals a man who was unrepentant about Nazi actions during the second world war. Mengele's research method, according to the inmate anthropologist, was standard for the time - and much the same as that used by her own well-regarded professor at the Polish university where she had obtained her advanced degree. Rolf Mengele is a lawyer in the southern German city of Freiburg. Mengele's exaggerated immaculateness was consistent with such tendencies toward withdrawal. But they have denied periodic reports that the business, Karl Mengele & Sons, which is run by a nephew of Mengele, funneled money to the doctor living in South America. Crucial to that emergence is an ideology or world view, a theory or vision that justifies or demands evil actions. ''With great sorrow I am today complying with the painful duty to inform you and all family members of the passing of our mutual friend,'' Bossert wrote. On Sept. 1, just four weeks after the wedding, the war began when Germany invaded Poland. . She wanted a divorce. On Thursday, the magazine published its second installment on Josef Mengele`s clandestine postwar life, accompanied by Rolf`s remembrances and observations. ''. For his pathologist, Dr. Miklos Nyiszli, he provided a special dissection room complete with porcelain sinks and a dissecting table of polished marble. Rolf Mengele, a 41-year-old lawyer in the city of Freiburg, on Tuesday released a statement saying that a body exhumed June 6 near Sao Paulo, Brazil, is that of his father. I have conducted psychological interviews with 28 former Nazi doctors; a number of Nazi lawyers, economists and other nonmedical professionals, and also with more than 80 former Auschwitz inmates who were engaged in medical work in the camp. In the hospital blocks where medical treatment was given to prisoners in order to maintain the workforce, there was another kind of ''selection'' process. But the research that most occupied Mengele, to which he devoted the greatest time and energy, was his study of twins. Josef Mengele, the "Angel of Death" at Auschwitz concentration camp, spent his last years in his Brazilian hideaway lonely, depressed and short of money, according In the end we decided that we would focus on one more target, Mengele, but Begin, who was a very emotional man, was disappointed, Hofi said. Survivors repeatedly commented on his confusing duality of affection and violence, an extreme manifestation of the process I call ''doubling. '', Identical twins, Mengele's most treasured research objects, were often examined together. To preserve these articles as they originally appeared, The Times does not alter, edit or update them. In 1982, the agency even considered abducting a 12-year-old boy and threatening to take his life unless his father, Hans-Ulrich Rudel, a devoted Nazi and a childhood friend of Mengeles, gave them the information that could lead to his capture. Shortly before the Red Army reached Auschwitz in January 1945, Mengele fled to Germany and hid under a false name near Gnzburg. ''By marrying the widow of his brother, Josef Mengele may have taken possession of his share in the company.''. She is surely correct in her claim that an ordinary person is capable of extreme evil. Mengele was outraged, and he left the room, ordering the radiologist to remain. He also turned over a large number of photographs, letters and other items exclusively to the West German weekly magazine Bunte. Hollmann`s first task was sorting potatoes, separating those suitable for cooking from those to be used as feed for the livestock. She said she did not know where her husband was. He outlived many of his victims. I N HIS PLAY ''THE DEPUTY,'' Rolf Hochhuth creates a fiendish Nazi character known only as ''the Doctor,'' modeled after Mengele, who is described as hav-ing ''the stature of Absolute Evil,'' as ''only playing the part of a human being. Germany: How does its Kazakh oil deal benefit Russia? For the first time, its possible to say why the Mossad failed to apprehend the man who was perhaps the most wanted Nazi to survive World War II. Mengele's fanatically brutal approach to his research can be understood mainly in terms of his combination of ideological zealotry and scientific ambition. . The Nazi doctors were assigned, on a rotating basis, to stand on the ramp and select those prisoners who would live, as workers at the camp, and those who would be killed. they fascinated him considerably.'' His military experience loomed large in his idea of himself. This is a digitized version of an article from The Timess print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. . Without Auschwitz, he would probably have kept his destructive potential under control. Koeppler feels Mengele`s relatives in Guenzburg--two sisters and two nephews--should ''clear the air.'' We have seen that his death has partly dispelled this demonology. The two were born on the same day, and the Israelis hoped they would call each other to say happy birthday. At the time, Mengele was using the alias Fritz Hollmann, the name that also appeared in his discharge papers. We were transferred to many camps and then released in the U.S. But being a doctor was part of Mengele's demonology: he took on the dark side of the omnipotent Svengali-like physician-shaman. And they feared visits by the doctor Josef Mengele. Even before his death in 1979, Dr. Josef Mengele, the brutal staff doctor of the Auschwitz death camp, had achieved legendary status. His friend suggests something else special about Mengele: He had asked to be sent to the Auschwitz death camp because of the opportunities it could provide for his research. Mengele produced three publications before he came to Auschwitz. Rolf did not know that a romance was blossoming between his ''uncle'' and Martha. After the child had fallen asleep, he felt for the left ventricle of the heart and injected 10 cc. Later, the radiologist said, he heard from Dr. Nyiszli that Mengele had shot the two boys in the neck and that ''while they were still warm, began to examine them: lungs first, than each organ.''. 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