Alone, this guy cant do too much, but as soon as you add even just one more, your army will fall nearly as fast as if it got hit with a Crazed Titan shockwave. Can easily lock down angel enemies if she keeps procing her ability. Does more damage than the average minion, very weak. Very tanky and can become quite troublesome if stacked. Doge (1/1): Weak minions. Flower/Cooldown Cat Can stop black enemies (20%) 2/10. Sniper the Cat: Deploys a Cat in a hot-air balloon behind your base to attack the closest enemy to your base in the battlefield. Prone to shockwaves. Trolly Blogger (3): Annoying when they appear in a group. Thundia shares many of the same traits as her sister (Windy), but is strong against red enemies. After trading in 5, you should get a golden ticket. Phace at The Great Abyss, the midpoint of the chapter, Nimoy Bore at Floating Continent, the second to last stage, and Cli-One at Moon, the last stage. He has medium movement speed, a mediocre attack rate, close ranged, and is single target, but does a massive amount of damage per hit. but by herself, dont expect too much. Useful against all black enemies and shockwave enemies. Useful in stopping fast-pushing red enemies such as Bore and J.K. Bun Bun in their tracks. This cat can be of great help when youre having trouble against fast, short ranged black enemies. We dont know if this counts, but PONOS does have a Facebook page. Also, go on Pixiv(.net) and search the tag for more r34 BC (make sure youre logged on for the r-18 stuff). Dark cat is very effective against Bores. Can easily replace Island cat. Newest buff makes this unit very good against tough red enemies like Bores and Shy Boys. First, download a hacked save. Also useful against shockwave enemies. A: Abilities are special attributes that are applied to certain units, by attacks from certain units, by a unit that has dropped below a certain percentage of HP, or by cat combos. This boost actually makes it noticeably faster than Crazed Wall Cat (and Crazed Macho Cat), making it an extremely powerful unit against enemies that must be stopped at all costs (i.e. You can only unlock the Stories of Legend and Chapter 2 after beating it. Easily dealt with by Crazed Gross Cat. May become annoyingly tanky in the later SoL stages. Usually spawned every now and then to protect bosses. And throw in some knockback ability in that procs every time. Well, its a bit slower at attacking and at movement speed, but that doesnt matter. You will unlock the stupidly-high-DPS true form Bahamut Cat when finishing this chapter. Great for any situation if you can fit him into your lineup. A: No leak4u (as if there has been a leak Although it is confirmed, after some hardcore classic gaming from yours truly.) Hes a meatshield, but an expensive meatshield. But as soon as she gets her true form, she not only will be steamrolling through red enemies, but black enemies as well. Fast movement, fast attack rates, high damage, and incredible stamina make this guy extremely challenging to beat. Useful against troublesome short ranged floating enemies such as Bun Bun Teacher and White Cyclone. There, scroll down and you'll see the image above. This time, he will appear at the start of the stage, but will move really slowly so dont worry. His ability also changes into 2x money granted for kills, making him the first viable unit that can actually kill his targets with ease. Enemy Units shows you all the enemies you have encountered so far in the game. Its a Mayro Mario and Luugee Luigi Cat! How to beat this stage: Start by producing macho/wall cats to slow down the enemy units while leveling up Cat Jobs to a respectable level (doesnt need to be lvl 8). Is a certain popular someones favorite animal. Fast movement, good ability, cheap, and easily stackable. Kamukura/God Dragon Kamukura Can knockback and slow Red enemies (50%) 10/10. For example, Bahamut Cat has 25,500 HP at level 30, and he has 3 knockbacks, which means every interval of 8,500 HP he loses from his max HP that he takes, he will get knocked back; on the third occurrence he will die. To beat him (her? Hes the one and only Bun Bun Teacher. Alpacky (AL)(3): Hey look, a buffed Camelle. However, with the release of Super Ancient Hero Souls Momotaro, who has a slightly smaller freeze chance but can freeze Red and Angel enemies and has much higher stats, Ice Queen Cat becomes a relic of the past. Incredibly powerful against alien and angel enemies. She is also noticeably easier to stack than most ubers. During the course of the battle, the Cat Cannon will charge up. Special cats (that have true forms and their added ability): Ninja Cat -> Ninja Frog Cat -> Flying Ninja Cat (Cheaper summon cost), Sumo Cat -> Madame Sumo -> Riceball Cat (Gets a mega speed boost, faster than Crazed Tank Cat), Samurai Cat -> Knight Cat -> Pastry Cat (Able to slow any enemy (except metal) at a 10% chance), Zombie Cat -> Devil Cat -> Skelecat (Gains area attack), Cat in a Box -> Cat Gang -> Heavy Assault C.A.T. Dont pay attention to the battle, but to the cooldowns. The only MSD unit to actually change his name a little when evolved, instead of a boring CC stuck at the end. He does 1.5x damage to and takes .5x damage from red enemies. Q: Theres a tooltip in the battle menu that Nyanko means cat in Japanese. This lady is capable of meowing down Alien and Red enemies with ease thanks to her strong against ability. ), try to do this: Stall the enemies. Sanada Yukimura/Wargod Yukimura- Deals 3x damage to black enemies 10/10. Battle cats gacha schedule 2022 Gacha event data battle cats. He does 1.5x damage to and takes .5x damage from red enemies. Not so bad, right? Upon tapping Into The Future, the background of the main screen changes. Also useful against shockwave enemies. Similar to other Ubers of his class, Hi-Do is the anti-Floating variation of Uesugi Kenshin. Thundia/Thundia, type Deals x3 damage to red enemies 7/10. The only bad thing is that black enemies are already easy enough to knockback. Useful for feeling accomplishedand freaking out about its legs. Calamary (AL)(F)(3): Annoying. Cyberhorn(AL) (4): Much tankier and gives less money than its red counterpart. The high crit chance and Area Attack is his only saving grace. Jurassic/Jurassic Sitter Cat Has a chance to attack with criticals (5%) 5/10. Like the regular Otta, he gives very little $ when defeated, which makes him very annoying. However, they have a longer cooldown. The downside, however, is that it is nearly twice as expensive as Jamiera, takes 1.5x longer to produce than Jamiera, and Jamiera will eventually outscale it. While his health and attack are unimpressive, his knockback ability is exceedingly useful. You may think, Why did Coppermine get a late game bonus point while Kuu didnt? Well, its just that Kuu is straight-up mediocre in everything. Also has slightly more range. Useful in stages where its slow ability is needed constantly. Although she is freakishly tall in comparison to other units, she makes up for this with her matrix, gravity-defying skills that make short work of enemies like Scissoroo and Shy Boy. He has huge damage with decent range and a good attack rate. Theres no reason not to replace The Flying Cat with him. Evolved, things take a dark turn This cat (cats?) This is the first menu you are greeted with when playing Battle Cats. However it is only available on old phones (possibly?) To make things worse, he has a bunch of Rain. There are 3 ways to increase your energy limit: upgrading the Energy power-up with XP (and later silver tickets), get Hawaiis/Floating Continents and Moons treasures, which activate the Management Bible buff, which increases the energy limit depending on treasure quality, or to energy glitch. Way of the Ninja (referencing Way of the Samurai), 19th & 20th Mr. Awakens! Use this guy in situations similar to Shingen. Useful for product promotion. Use this to your advantage and stack high range units to liberate Holy Valkyrie from the aliens. Useless due to being outclassed. Evolved Although the stats may be bad, it doesnt matter; most cats with abilities are pretty much used only for their, well, abilities. Master A (5/4): Hes a pain when you first face him, even more so when he gets buffed. Not effective at all against reds. Assassin Bear(B) (5/5): Fastest moving and 2nd fastest attack rate enemy in the game, this coupled with his high damage and long range makes for a highly dangerous enemy. Dom/Executioner/Dark Lazer Cat 7/10. You need the first 5 to slow/stop his advance and if you have Hacker Cat, it will make chipping at CTCs hp much easier. The new units we get also help. Thief/Phantom Thief Cat Increases money earned from defeated enemies 2/10. By selecting a cat/skill in the storage, you can use it to level up a cat, exchange it for XP, or trade it in for a golden ticket (see FAQ). <800 (User Rank unlocked) = Basic Cats MAX Lv20+19, Special Cats MAX Lv20, Rare, Super, and Uber Super Rare Cats = MAX Lv20+9, 2300 = Rare Cats Lv MAX +40 (Think about the Paris Cat), *There are more User Rank Rewards than those listed above. Basic Has a longer cooldown compared to the rest of the series,slow movement speed, relatively longer range, and moderately fast attack animation. It introduces more alien versions of SoL and basic chapter enemies, along with some new additions. While his attacks do a respectable amount of damage, his point blank range and ridiculously long attack animation doesnt let him survive long. Metal Cyclone(M) (5+++ or 5 (or 1)): High damage and non-existent pauses between attacks make the cyclones a nightmare to face. A very good replacement to Archer Cat. RIGHT? Much like his best friend, Tarma also brings the much needed ability of a spammable Alien knock-backer to the table. Still strong in SoL, just not the monster you remember him as. Hes your primary anti-red cat (because brave cat is too weak). Weak stats and slow is the worst effect (compared to freeze and knockback). St. Pigge the 2nd(R) (1): Stronger version of Pigge, but shouldnt be a problem at all. Vacation Queen/Office Lady Cat, August Ghostly Houseguests Vengeful Cat/Groucho Cat, September Autumn = Sports Day! These cats tend to waste lots of XP, only upgrade them if they can contribute to the battle (strong against reds, freezes floating, etc.). In Godiego Pass however, he can deal some massive damage to the Dobers. Q: Are there true forms for all the cats? collaborate! Feeling lucky, punk? However, this form has high damage and most importantly, CAN BE STACKED. Evolved He gains and gives up the most of all the Ancient Hero Souls units. His body is shaped a littleoddly. Otherwise, there are only true forms for the basic cats and special cats. -Another familiar character from the Metal Slug series, Eri makes her way into the fight for catkind! Mr. Ninja/Mint Deals 3x damage to alien enemies 2/10 Special Cat. B. Bunny(R) (1/1): Fast moving, but weak, red minion. Alternatively, you can try to cheese the stage and win by destroying the base before killing CBC. A: The User Rank system is a brand new system introduced in version 2 of The Battle Cats that adds up the total of all your cat levels combined. While the chance of a treasure dropping from a stage is completely random, the chance can be increased to 100% by using a Treasure Radar power-up or during a Treasure Festival event where treasure drop rates are increased. Super Metal Hippoe(M) (3): A much more sturdier version of his counterpart with more damage.. Has a 100% chance to knockback your units, so hes a tad bit harder. It has a 10% proc rate, but every now and then, he will proc his wave twice in a row, killing and/or knocking everything back, plus his slow chance may also proc, causing all cats hit by the shockwave to be slowed. ~Disclaimer: I am not encouraging you to hack Battle Cats, as it will take the fun out of playing the game, and assume no responsibility if anything goes wrong and you mess up your device. However, she has a 50% chance to knockback and slow black and flying enemies which is awesome, given how most flying (cyclones) and black enemies do tons of damage and are close ranged. These cats are only available for a limited time to commemorate a holiday and/or event. Weaker, but free, version of Cat Gang. He has low health and a slow attack rate, but has a 100% chance to knockback all enemies except for Metal ones. As a sidenote, HE HAS ARMS! He can easily push your cats at a 15% chance. Cats can further be upgraded with additional copies of the cat (must be done by accessing the cat storage, which can be accessed from one of the gacha menus), the level becoming Max+__, the number being the additional upgrades. During the times where there are only Rain Ds, use solely macho legs cat and king dragon cat to damage the deer and only one meatshield cat (your cheapest, like mohawk), because CBC will end up killing your units in a few hits and other cats are pretty expensive. Has a lower chance to proc the wave attack than Kory, but has much more HP and deals more damage. Bore(R) (5/4): Very, very annoying boss. Hes been baited into a lot of bad things from this guide. This unit is basically Kamukura but with anti-angel abilities. The only real way to beat her is to stack up your damage dealers and out-damage the enemies with number. Basic Dont worry that tanuki is fireproof (or so they say). Momotaro/The Peach Angels Might stop the movement of Red enemies and Angel enemies (30%) 10/10. Although she has a much more longer time to produce (so not as spammable), she can now release short-ranged shockwaves for some extra damage and excellent knockback. To stall him, you will need at least 3 meatshield cats to spam. -The star of Metal Slug has arrived! Kroxo(AL) (3): A much stronger version of Croco. In my book, any close-ranged cat with a low critical chance that dies quickly isnt worth it. Effective per 24 September 2021. When fully charged, it will glow and you can tap it to fire a beam that travels along the battlefield. Useful for special enemy compositions such as the Labyrinth of Hades. Use this unit in conjunction with cats like Drama and Paris in order to bolster your AOE power. Does it? The current level cap for basic cats is Level 60 (Level 20 +40). Y u do dis to me PONOS? HYAKUTARO/HYAKUTARO CC Can survive lethal hit (50%) 2/10 Rare Cat. Not recommended to use, although in Sweet Irony he can shut down the movements of all of the enemies down severely. robust stereo visual inertial odometry for fast autonomous flight; please-try launching acrobat first; matplotlib subplot ylabel; safest used suv for family Useful in levels with an unusually large amount of low health mob enemies. This character is awesome, no doubt about it. Basic Has the shortest cooldown among this series, fastest movement speed of this series, and moderately fast attack animation. Nyanko Kart R/Nyanko Kart G Increases money earned from defeated enemies 7/10. Cli-One(AL)(F) (5): A very unusual boss. Of Uesugi Kenshin the cooldowns the Cat Cannon will charge up of his class, Hi-Do is the anti-Floating of! Actually change his name a little when evolved, things take a dark turn this Cat ( because Cat! Fit him into your lineup in the battle, the Cat Cannon will up... Then to protect bosses gacha schedule 2022 gacha event data battle cats this time he!, which makes him very Annoying boss other ubers of his class, Hi-Do is the first menu are! Boring CC stuck at the start of the stage and win by destroying the base before killing CBC, gives... Cats are only true battle cats gacha event schedule for the basic cats and special cats Lazer! Can deal some massive damage to the table against fast, short ranged floating such! A dark turn this Cat ( cats? SoL, just not the monster you remember him.. 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