Judge and research for yourself please. There is no record of numbers of arrests or names of those arrested for pedophilia and kidnapping. How Mega-Corporations like Walmart Traffick Children to Elites QNewsPatriot (SGAnon) - Posted November 6, 2022. False. Users on social media appear to take this as a sign of the medias complicity in obscuring the relevance of this story, an argument often used in conspiracy theories. On Wed. Oct. 16 2019 an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military facility were rescued by Navy Seals and US Marines. I first want to say GOD BLESS YOU! Lshr.Arrested as Military Rescues Tortured Children From Tunnels Beneath Capitol Hill.https://rumble.com/vdnfcz-arrested-as-military-rescues-tortured-children-from-tunnels-beneath-capitol.htmlUS Special Op forces recovered bodies, body parts and at least a hundred surviving children from a tunnel system beneath the White House and Capitol Building in Washington DC on Fri. 29 Jan.In the early morning hours as body bags were being delivered, multiple troops were seen coming out of the White House with at least a hundred children in tow.https://draft.blogger.com/video.g?token=AD6v5dy5jGsdCmqbo_hMHsP71-BNLqPhj24HuLNVmLKA9LlKqp8HjN1QovdkryLwllH-0GLiLX5kfB8AzmqZ6IhFRcFHhDyaCHQNp2FgjwSvQsJCIOZzKYgU24mnwAA5XQDaA44RHOsb, This post is very difficult for me to write. The children and teens were said to have been sexually abused, tortured and killed to collect their blood. He alludes to the "hanging of Obama.". We hear constantly that children are being rescuedbut no follow ups.photographscourt cases.surviving children.what happens to them ?? Its about us. Over 35,000 malnourished, caged and tortured children have been reported rescued or found deceased in underground tunnels beneath large US cities including one beneath New York Central Park, "with more coming" according to reporter Timothy Charles Holmseth on April 3." He claimed that a group called the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force led the raids. Credit: IIT-stituto Italiano di Tecnologia Researchers at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT-Italian Institute [] Thank you for the work you do and the faith you have in God that you follow your heart to share this important coverage. The fake and fraudulent warrant alleged McConnell violated an injunction issued against him in Broward County, Florida by a Family Court judge despite McConnell having no family and no relationships in Florida. all in this battle and for the American people to be illumined, awakened, united in this historic fight. He ran for elected office (and lost) in Alberta, Canada in 2019. "All is going to be revealed. Hillary Clinton (allegedly) manufactures this drug by (allegedly) torturing children in a pizza shop (if you order a cheese pizza that's code). [Book], Cross Triple Package 20% Discount [BOOKS], Deceivers and False Prophets Among Us [book], Children being Rescued in Tunnels: Happening Now, Making Peace with God Now, Before its too Late, CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Corona: Mainstream Media CAUGHT RED HANDED using Mannequin [video], Manny Pacquiao Singing and Sharing [video], Sound Doctrine for a Glorious Church [podcast], What the Bible says about Effeminate Men [podcast] [shorts video], WHY this Asbury Ordeal is a Blessing [podcast], Judging and Examining Ourselves [podcast], The Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Heaven [video]. God have mercy, They were breeding reptilians children oh Lord reformed this children. In his video he claimed he was chosen by the Pentagon to reveal to the public that earlier this month Navy Seals and U.S. Marines rescued 2,100 children from underground bases and bunkers in California. He has been targeted for a decade. And us! There are new technologies, previously unreleased. So, they went in with all night vision all in the dark. Oneviralexample of the claimwith over 14,000 sharescan be seen here . I could hardly believe this number of 35,000 kids snatched away and made to live miserable lives. if you dont mind telling me. Viral claims on social media purport that a recent U.S. military operation rescued 35,000 malnourished, caged and tortured children from tunnels beneath New York Citys Central Park and other unnamed U.S. cities. Coronavirus has taken 10,981 lives in the US multiply that by 3 to get a better understanding of how many children in the US alone that are being bought,sold,raped,neglected & abused but now 35,000 CHILDREN have been saved! Its a new America!!! That would supposedly explain one reason for kidnapping the kids. Read more via BEFORE ITS NEWS POTUS is doing the right thing no doubt about it. But a video merely shows the actress appearing to be impaired and trying to take a homeless refugee family back to her hotel room. Will the perps be prosecuted? I knew that blackout was a cover story. On Wed. Oct. 16 2019 an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military facility were rescued by Navy Seals and US Marines. To investigate to find all their parents I mean its going to be a freakin nightmare, Pentagon 1 said. I can hardly wait!! 500,000 children go missing in one year. We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. Theres both girls and boys. Reports are saying that thousands of children have already been rescued in NY and CA and that was why the Red Cross ships were docked in those 2 locations. However it was only U.S. Marines. What would be worse than that? (Think I'm wrong? Already, 2,100 were rescued in March or April in New York City, he said. The Pentagon Pedophile Task Force is currently assisting the U.S. Military with actionable intelligence and will continue to report developments. Been so worried about the children, and couldnt care less about the virus. You were too busy being distracted about wearing a mask. Note: In my initial report, due to a miscommunication, I erroneously reported Navy SEALS were involved. THINK children set free: Jeremiah 22:3 says: Thus saith the LORD; Execute ye judgment and righteousness, and deliver the spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor: and do no wrong, do no violence to the stranger, the fatherless, nor the widow, neither shed innocent blood in this place.. 35,000??? Children continued to be rescued globally as Maxwell has given up info on where they have been held, abused and ritually killed.It was believed that since at least the end of World War II, the DUMBS had been financed, built and run by members of the illuminati, Deep State, or Cabal using US taxpayer dollars funneled through a CIA Black budget. For around three days, Rayan has been stuck more than 100. He captured rogue CIA and FBI child traffickers on tape discussing their operations. Read our debunk of that myth here: Fact Check: Lady Gaga Did NOT Participate In 'Vile, Sickening' Blood Drinking Ritual Pertaining To 'Adrenochrome And Spirit Cooking', Dunn supports his claim that millions will be freed from their cages based on his belief that 500,000 Americans disappear each year. We forget to remember always how vile the animal in humans can be. The new soft robot inspired by the biology of earthworms is able to crawl thanks to soft actuators that elongate or squeeze, when air passes through them or is drawn out. Thank you Timothy. Realized by researchers at Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa Italy. I cannot confirm any of these things. We are all responsible for every one of these Children. May God and His Holy Angels protect everyone of you and expose supernaturally these horrible people. On October 14, 2019 the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force reported 2,100 children were rescued by U.S. Marines from underground bases in California. America has made tremendous progress & we proved that we are UNITED STATES by working as a unit though this pandemic. Dunn repeats previously debunked rumors about a New York City raid that purportedly freed thousands of children from tunnels. 2,100 CHILDREN. Ved fortsette bruke dette nettstedet godtar du vr bruk av informasjonskapsler. Is there any pictures? I AM DEMANDING THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS MAKE A PUBLIC STATEMENT ABOUT THE 2,100 KIDS THAT WERE EXTRACATED FROM UNDERGROUND CAGES IN CALIFORNIA . There is no corroboration for his claim, and no reports of arrests - other than other websites who quote him as the source. I declare the Lord restore these childrens lives to fulfill God given destiny and become instruments of righteousness for God. PRESIDENT TRUMPS REQUEST FOR CPS VICTIM INTERVIEWS AND FIELD MCCONNELL. Navy Seals and U.S. Marines Rescue 2,100 Children From California Underground Bases Amy Dawson Timothy Charles Holmseth, Pentagon Pedophile Task Force, reports Navy Seals and U.S. Marines rescued 2,100 children from underground bases and bunkers in California. Reuters was unable to find any reliable reports pertaining to the posts central claim that 35,000 children had been found and rescued from secret tunnels in the U.S.s largest city. In 2019 Timothy Charles Holmseth became part of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force. (Matthew 18:10). Dunn says, "In the future, movies will be interesting you will go to a movie and you will learn something, because all the Satanic pedophile actors and actresses are going down. That does not make it less traumatic for them. No images have been released. sauce = orgyhttps://draft.blogger.com/video.g?token=AD6v5dwcMtzsstYO9Ti8NDYNk04cQol0IQc7FB9OJzHo0AFF68gvGGXZi3JOWtzLh0aJ5lzLMlfsb9oqDmFjfvFBspOG0Dus_mCOQbYnW8IXc5gPNBpVk7OKNQHFPJPjGDLv8ZcOLygGChildren were stolen to the order of global and political elites in both the US and UK by well known organizations including some state Protective Services namely in Arizona and California. Where did you first learn about it? Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. !t.me/USPatriots. Keep rescuing the children and never stopand arrest, prosecute and destroy these evil perpetrators!! Will our POTUS address this when all is said and done? https://rumble.com/vdnfcz-arrested-as-military-rescues-tortured-children-from-tunnels-beneath-capitol.html, https://www.realchiefpolice.com/post/d-c-tunnels, https://benosey.com/qvids/the-underground-war-happening-now-jan-2020-159307339, https://rumble.com/vdrxr3-michael-jaco-and-gene-decode-discuss-the-midnight-buses-and-dumbs-in-dc.html, https://www.bitchute.com/video/tV9dj8LD7CiE/, https://darkoutpost.com/satanism/military-continues-child-rescue-out-of-underground-tunnels-across-the-globe/, https://goodcheeba.blogspot.com/2020/09/child-rescue-out-of-underground-tunnels.html, https://rumble.com/vcx2et-warning-they-want-your-children-too.html, https://www.bitchute.com/video/QBRYxbwiq4MM/, https://www.bitchute.com/video/aOuIq46C6gzF/, https://rumble.com/vdph85-rescued-children.-white-house-epstein-tunnels-assassination-attempt.html, https://rumble.com/vdkb3d-the-satanic-priesthood-in-america.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=2. You have no idea what captivity does to the mental well being of a person. Copyright HOLMSETH All rights reserved. On Wed. Oct. 16 2019 the first Navy Seal and US Marine rescue occurred of an unbelievable 2,100 children found locked in cages in Underground Tunnels that ran beneath the California China Lake Military facility. Although, deeper tunnels were found to exist that were ancient in origin. Xd but yes if children are being saved this is huge. But Dunn continues to promise that photos of caged children are about to come out. Timothy Holmseth is the only reporter authorized to report original content for the PPTF. Thank you for all of this! The SEALs, he added, captured the crew and ferried them ashore (to an unknown location) aboard a U.S. Navy MK5 Special Operations Craft, and took the children into protective custody for medical treatment and identification. Stre i nyttrstalen: Ukrainas kamp er vr kamp. Timothy Holmseth is another conspiracy theorist who posted about rescuing thousands of children from tunnels in New York on April 25, 2020. Many of us are more worried about the children than the virus. Im almost going to guarantee the majority probably came from CPS, said Pentagon 1. Alas, the SEALs also recovered the bodies of 12 dead children, our source added. But it was confirmed. On Wed., Oct. 16, 2019, the first American Navy Seal and US Marine rescue of 2,100 children was found locked in cages in Underground Tunnels that ran beneath the California China Lake Military facility. No SEALs or crew were killed during the incursion, our source said. How do we know this is real though? I await the word that they have been rescued and safe, and healing! He said the operation would be concluded in two weeks. God is hearing the prayers of His saints who are crying out to Him to free every single enslaved child - and to bring swift justice upon every single person involved in this hellacious crime (Matthew 10:26; 18:3-10). The answers to these prayers are now beginning to be seen. CHILDREN BEING RESCUED FROM TUNNELS BY THE MARINES: Not confirmed yet seems apparent from reports coming in. Dear God send Angels on assignment to comfort the children and their families and the workers who are caring for their needs. Im Namen Jesu Christi mit der Kraft des Heiligen Geistes bitte ich Gott im Himmel um die Befreiung aller Kinder aus den Klauen der Huldiger Satans fr immer. The October 2018 incident Dunn refers to has Lohan accusing a homeless couple of trafficking their children. Oh how shocking. By 2100, your children are known across the world as hard . None of the other presidents but trump has done a thing to help these kids & dont tell me they didnt hear about it, they were just cowards & did nothing. This has been planned for the last 20 yrs, big names are going down for this , wait and see. BREAKING! Vrt formle er spre sann informasjon til folk om Geoengineering i Norge. Omg they are children doesnt matter where they where born,what colour they are,they are children. But the good guys took advantage of the stay home situation caused by the virus! Will we ever receive confirmation? Your Choice to Know ! That was the military telling PG&E to shut the power down they got to go in in the dark. Please if you are able to help me understand whether COVID19 is coincidence or was this all planned for this time? That means there sfe breeders involved. Is this so?! I hear their cries. Well never forget whos the Central-Banks paid Murder Joe!!! TED GUNDERSON - Former F.B.I. I do know that all sins are paid for. What is the purpose of keeping them caged up? Navy Seals and U.S. Marines RESCUE 2,100 CHILDREN from California underground bases . It is uncertain whether the SEALs knew precisely where the children were held on the ship or if they obtained intelligence through interrogations, but they found 200 emaciated children of different nationalities in an expansive cargo hold below decks. What can we do? Will need a big staff of Drs and counsellors for healing to take place. These Are kids here that have been taking by CPS and then handed over to these sick child molesters & this has been going on for a long time. I mean it, Thank You! Praying for Archangel Michael to overshadow each freedom-fighter, the blessed children, Holmsethconfirmed to VICE News that he was a believer inQAnon, a fringe group that claims Democrats are behind international crime rings. We See You. Already, 2,100 were rescued in March or April in New York City, he said. Just know the MSM is lying ENTIRELY about the virus but for a good reason, for once! Dear Jesus! I am continuing to pray. Over 50,000 traumatized or deceased children have been recovered from underground tunnels running beneath US cities. I have been praying for some time. When will this information become more then just a rumor? by Timothy Charles Holmseth on November 19, 2019 at 4:02 P.M. All of President Trumps Executive Actions regarding human trafficking, serious human rights abuses, and organized crime are about to make sense. We are all behind him as one nation under god invincible with liberty justice for all Why do you think PG&E shut the power off? Chief Whistleblower. Nearly 4.8 million Ukrainian children have been displaced amid the Russian invasion, but some online claim the attack is a "special operation" to help save their lives. The Indians occupied your lands as China collapsed. God has a plan and granted we might not weed out all of them as Im sure there are more evil powerful people than just the pedophiles but we will get there one step at a time. Todd. Pentagon 1 said the number increased from some 3,000 children to 35,000 and advised there is more coming. I have been alternative praying, bawling and praising God that these precious lives have been lifted out of pure evil darkness. WEF nsker Lobotomize the Human Race for bli 6G-antenner. GOD BLESS THEM ALL XX. Sir YES YES YES YES YES YES .any Questions? Homie relax there is clear evidence. I found you by accident today. By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. No such division exists. How can anyone sleep knowing and not helping. Our President Trump GOD blessed you. First Isreal & Jerusalem now the children. Read Children of the Matrix, by David Icke. Always Victory! Unfortunately CPS said we were abusive but the judge dismissed all charges as unfounded. And Marines made over 18,000 pedophile arrests. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. I imagine although yes this guy is just a reporter, he is probably very busy trying to get the details. Where are they been housed? But think about this, they were so smart as to use all the co conspiracies and agenda 201 bullshit and all that to really shut down this evil in reality which is a disgusting pedophile ring, period. It is wishful thinking to believe these children are being saved. YEP, this is the time, this is the season to take them down! Get FREE email alerts of the most important BANNED videos in the world that are usually blacklisted by YouTube, Facebook, Google, Twitter and Vimeo. This is huge. I pray they dont spend a day in prison and theyre immediately executed! 35000 children! On Wed. Oct. 16 2019 an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military facility were rescued by Navy Seals and US Marines. Its about the 22,000 children that go missing every day on Earth. One conspiracy theory around COVID-19 is that celebrities catch the virus from ingesting the blood of children along with hormones from young adrenal glands. We saved a place for you to receive our weekly newsletter. This makes me want to quit my job and join in the force to help rescue these kids and to set things straight with the world. Curiously, this imaginary "rescue mission" bears a strong resemblance to another QAnon conspiracy invented last year by a man named Timothy Charles Holmseth, who claims to be a part of no joke the "Pentagon Pedophile Task . On Wed. Oct. 16 2019 the first Navy Seal and US Marine rescue occurred of an unbelievable 2,100 children found locked in cages in Underground Tunnels that ran beneath the California China Lake Military facility. Please select all the ways you would like to hear from Lead Stories LLC: You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. "The children are being released as we speak, you're going to have thousands of nurses telling the story," Dunn said. I see nobody is interested in rescuing 13 year old Aliyah Banta, who is being trafficked at Promesa Behavioral Health in Fresno, California. Praise God for this REPORT!!! -*-. . And watch his videos though he doesnt like Trump, but I think this will change when learning whats taking place now.. They did this stuff in the middle of the night, Pentagon 1 said. We have all learned how to lower our risk of getting Coronavirus or completely avoid it by staying inside. The children and teens were said to have been sexually abused, tortured and killed to collect their Adrenichrome. Maybe under the Halland ridge when they worked with the train tunnel as a cover for 18 years?According to the UN, it must have cost SEK 1,600 billion. Pentagon 1 encourages the public to study Q drops where information is available to expand ones critical thinking skills and get around the fake news controlled narrative. "The children are being released as we speak, you're going to have thousands of nurses telling the story," Dunn said. The FBI's National Crime Information Center states that the 2019 end-of-year missing persons statistics count 87,500 active missing and unidentified persons, with youths under 18 accounting for 30,625, and those under 21 accounting for 38,500. A spokesperson for the New York Police Department told Reuters via phone also said that they were not aware of the alleged rescue reported in the claim. Tom Hanks is (yes, allegedly) addicted to Adrenochrome and he caught Covid-19 from the latest batch of tainted Adrenochrome that came through Celine Dion who is a high priestess from the Church of Satan. Pentagon 1 said the military is locating kidnapped children using information from sources that include investigative journalists and Whistleblowers such as Field McConnell who is presently being held prisoner in the Pierce County, Wisconsin jail. Where are they? The dark deeds of the devil's children are being brought to the light. And all hells damnation to any and all the pervs involved. Or crew were killed during the incursion, our source said fulfill God given destiny and instruments..., by David Icke to live miserable lives doing the right thing no doubt it... Forget to remember always how vile the animal in humans can be proved we... Lives have been rescued and safe, and no reports of arrests - other than other websites who him... 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