score expressions in the OpenMP context selector need to be constant; OpenMP only allows an ordered construct with the simd clause nested in a simd construct, ’ is not known to the current target; verify the spelling or consider restricting the context selector with the ‘arch’ selector further, stack nearly exhausted; compilation time may suffer, and crashes due to stack overflow are likely, Unable to protect inline asm that clobbers stack pointer against stack clash, ‘ keyword on explicit template instantiation, non-constant static local variable in inline function may be different in different files, is suspiciously used within its own initialization, include path for libstdc++ headers not found; pass ‘-stdlib=libc++’ on the command line to use the libc++ standard library instead, old-style function definition is not preceded by, is unspecified (use an explicit string comparison function instead). :’ has lower precedence than ‘, block captures an autoreleasing out-parameter, which may result in use-after-free bugs, to null from a constant boolean expression, bytes or smaller; maximum alignment assumed, ’ will always overflow; destination buffer has size, integer literal is too large to be represented in type ‘long’ and is subject to undefined behavior under C++98, interpreting as ‘unsigned long’; this literal will, ‘auto’ storage class specifier is redundant and incompatible with C++11, identifier after literal will be treated as a user-defined literal suffix in C++11, use of right-shift operator (‘>>’) in template argument will require parentheses in C++11, explicit instantiation cannot be ‘inline’, integer literal is too large to be represented in type ‘long’, interpreting as ‘unsigned long’ per C++98; this literal will, identifier after literal will be treated as a reserved user-defined literal suffix in C++11, implicit conversion from array size expression of type, ‘auto’ type specifier is a C++11 extension, enumeration types with a fixed underlying type are a C++11 extension, function definitions are a C++11 extension, commas at the end of enumerator lists are a C++11 extension, explicit conversion functions are a C++11 extension, range-based for loop is a C++11 extension, generalized initializer lists are a C++11 extension, use of enumeration in a nested name specifier is a C++11 extension, default member initializer for non-static data member is a C++11 extension, reference qualifiers on functions are a C++11 extension, scoped enumerations are a C++11 extension, with internal linkage is a C++11 extension, default template arguments for a function template are a C++11 extension, unelaborated friend declaration is a C++11 extension; specify ‘, extra ‘;’ outside of a function is a C++11 extension, non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type, binary integer literals are a C++14 extension, multiple return statements in constexpr function is a C++14 extension, ‘decltype(auto)’ type specifier is a C++14 extension, initialized lambda captures are a C++14 extension, will change in C++17 due to non-throwing exception specification in function signature, ISO C++ standards before C++17 do not allow new expression for type, ‘constexpr’ on lambda expressions is a C++17 extension, decomposition declarations are a C++17 extension, pack fold expression is a C++17 extension, ‘begin’ and ‘end’ returning different types (, hexadecimal floating literals are a C++17 feature, ‘ initialization statements are a C++17 extension, use of multiple declarators in a single using declaration is a C++17 extension, nested namespace definition is a C++17 extension; define each namespace separately, capture of ‘*this’ by copy is a C++17 extension, static_assert with no message is a C++17 extension, template template parameter using ‘typename’ is a C++17 extension, default scope specifier for attributes is a C++17 extension, pack expansion of using declaration is a C++17 extension, with user-declared constructors is incompatible with C++20, ‘consteval’ specifier is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20, ‘constinit’ specifier is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20, this expression will be parsed as explicit(bool) in C++20, ’<=>’ is a single token in C++20; add a space to avoid a change in behavior, type of UTF-8 string literal will change from array of const char to array of const char8_t in C++20, designated initializers are a C++20 extension, use of function template name with no prior declaration in function call with explicit template arguments is a C++20 extension, default member initializer for bit-field is a C++20 extension, constexpr constructor that does not initialize all members is a C++20 extension, constexpr union constructor that does not initialize any member is a C++20 extension, defaulted comparison operators are a C++20 extension, explicit capture of ‘this’ with a capture default of ‘=’ is a C++20 extension, range-based for loop initialization statements are a C++20 extension, initialized lambda pack captures are a C++20 extension, inline nested namespace definition is a C++20 extension, explicit template parameter list for lambdas is a C++20 extension, invoking a pointer to a ‘const &’ member function on an rvalue is a C++20 extension, use of function template name with no prior function template declaration in function call with explicit template arguments is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20, default member initializer for bit-field is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20, is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20, constexpr constructor that does not initialize all members is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20, constexpr union constructor that does not initialize any member is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20, virtual constexpr functions are incompatible with C++ standards before C++20, defaulted comparison operators are incompatible with C++ standards before C++20, with a type different from the implicit type is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20, explicit capture of ‘this’ with a capture default of ‘=’ is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20, explicit(bool) is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20, range-based for loop initialization statements are incompatible with C++ standards before C++20, initialized lambda capture packs are incompatible with C++ standards before C++20, inline nested namespace definition is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20, of lambda is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20, explicit template parameter list for lambdas is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20, ’<=>’ operator is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20, ‘char8_t’ type specifier is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20, designated initializers are incompatible with C++ standards before C++20, invoking a pointer to a ‘const &’ member function on an rvalue is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20, class template argument deduction is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17, ; for compatibility, use explicit type name, constexpr if is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17, constexpr on lambda expressions is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17, decomposition declarations are incompatible with C++ standards before C++17, pack fold expression is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17, initialization statements are incompatible with C++ standards before C++17, inline variables are incompatible with C++ standards before C++17, nested namespace definition is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17, by value capture of ‘*this’ is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17, static_assert with no message is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17, non-type template parameters declared with, are incompatible with C++ standards before C++17, template template parameter using ‘typename’ is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17, unicode literals are incompatible with C++ standards before C++17, default scope specifier for attributes is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17, use of multiple declarators in a single using declaration is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17, pack expansion using declaration is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17, ) is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17, declaration are incompatible with C++ standards before C++17, hexadecimal floating literals are incompatible with C++ standards before C++17, is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14, multiple return statements in constexpr function is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14, constexpr function with no return statements is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14, ‘decltype(auto)’ type specifier is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14, return type deduction is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14, digit separators are incompatible with C++ standards before C++14, generic lambdas are incompatible with C++11, initialized lambda captures are incompatible with C++ standards before C++14, variable templates are incompatible with C++ standards before C++14, binary integer literals are incompatible with C++ standards before C++14, alias declarations are incompatible with C++98, alignof expressions are incompatible with C++98, C++11 attribute syntax is incompatible with C++98, ‘auto’ type specifier is incompatible with C++98, ‘constexpr’ specifier is incompatible with C++98, constructor call from initializer list is incompatible with C++98, ‘decltype’ type specifier is incompatible with C++98, function definitions are incompatible with C++98, delegating constructors are incompatible with C++98, scalar initialized from empty initializer list is incompatible with C++98, from an empty initializer list is incompatible with C++98, enumeration types with a fixed underlying type are incompatible with C++98, enumeration type in nested name specifier is incompatible with C++98, explicit conversion functions are incompatible with C++98, range-based for loop is incompatible with C++98, friend declaration naming a member of the declaring class is incompatible with C++98, generalized initializer lists are incompatible with C++98, jump from this goto statement to its label is incompatible with C++98, goto statement to one of its possible targets is incompatible with C++98, initialization of initializer_list object is incompatible with C++98, inline namespaces are incompatible with C++98, lambda expressions are incompatible with C++98, ’<::’ is treated as digraph ‘<:’ (aka ‘[‘) followed by ‘:’ in C++98, literal operators are incompatible with C++98, universal character name referring to a control character is incompatible with C++98, ’ with a universal character name is incompatible with C++98, noexcept specifications are incompatible with C++98, noexcept expressions are incompatible with C++98, in an unevaluated context is incompatible with C++98, default member initializer for non-static data members is incompatible with C++98, passing object of trivial but non-POD type, raw string literals are incompatible with C++98, reference qualifiers on functions are incompatible with C++98, reference initialized from initializer list is incompatible with C++98, rvalue references are incompatible with C++98, scoped enumerations are incompatible with C++98, substitution failure due to access control is incompatible with C++98, static_assert declarations are incompatible with C++98, jump from switch statement to this case label is incompatible with C++98, redundant parentheses surrounding address non-type template argument are incompatible with C++98, use of null pointer as non-type template argument is incompatible with C++98, with internal linkage is incompatible with C++98, use of ‘template’ keyword outside of a template is incompatible with C++98, default template arguments for a function template are incompatible with C++98, trailing return types are incompatible with C++98, consecutive right angle brackets are incompatible with C++98 (use ‘> >’), use of ‘typename’ outside of a template is incompatible with C++98, using this character in an identifier is incompatible with C++98, unicode literals are incompatible with C++98, ’ type specifier is incompatible with C++98, inheriting constructors are incompatible with C++98, variadic templates are incompatible with C++98, when binding a reference to a temporary would, extra ‘;’ outside of a function is incompatible with C++98, as template argument is incompatible with C++98, cast between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object is incompatible with C++98, empty macro arguments are incompatible with C++98, commas at the end of enumerator lists are incompatible with C++98, extern templates are incompatible with C++98, #line number greater than 32767 is incompatible with C++98, variadic macros are incompatible with C++98, unnamed type as template argument is incompatible with C++98.