We all must remember to keep our minds sharp and active. Yeah, no. 3) HGTV shows are the worst for this offensive language. Its kind of like way better than going to the library. I called it creaking. Its pervasive with men and women. Five lines from the bottom, auto correct changed Sanskrit to sandscript. I even contacted a renowned acting school. Your observations are wonderful & interesting. Radio wouldn't have the same energy or be able to cover breaking news if every second was scripted. It reminds me of the French who often tack on a oui or non at the end of a sentence, non? You know what I mean? Its so common and I cannot believe speakers do NOT hear this on playback?!? Garage soft zzz, not hard J at end. However preservation of correct grammar, and beauty of the English language is important to me and I refuse to adapt botching of the language. Grammatical mistakes are less annoying, but still problematic. Does that mean that Aussies and New Zealanders are not sure of themselves? "That's why you listen it's to hear people talk," Fortir said. As opposed to what? Great people, but, my goodness, that is a difficult accent for me. I am a voice artist as well and I make SURE there is no creaks in my work! This occurs a lot when listing items. Voice. It goes this way. We have come so far with representing what a diverse world we are in the media. I enjoyed reading them and replying as well. On one news page I saw it used in four different headlines at the same time. Basically, many people, young people and more often women, will take a short vowel sound and make it a schwa sound ie. AMEN. "You're on the air, not having a conversation with a buddy in a bar. Imitating neanderthals? She doesn't mind sounding human. a. period. Thank you so much, Debbie and Baz! Ive been listening to a lot of podcasts lately and obviously, most of them have commercials. Im not in it with any Cornholio who believes the Bill of Rights was ammended such that no government edict can mandate the wearing of masks or otherwise intrude on their bottom-shelf 40 brains belief of their right to cough and sneeze on me. Wish the tv stations would actually listen to their employeesfemale reporters are the WORST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its a virus spreading. Help. Fly them in and leave them in the outback. Charlotte, dropping the g has been around since I was a young teen, in the early 70s. It seems to be the new normal. Isnt it a long-standing fact, that all beings respond to melodious speech far more positively than, for example, a shriek. Its all a process, and of course, we all work to improve (one hopes) our situation, not only personally, or as a family, but as a community and a country and a world. The truth is clear. Her words hold me hostage. I really enjoy everyones comments and insights! But when used in television, radio, or print, I boil uncontrollably. Several years ago, feminist author Naomi Wolf suggested vocal fry among young women was causing them to "disown their own power.". This seems to be catching on, even by some senior respected news folks. Literally?! Exclusive to Americans are having to include real quick in every sentence and right here or right there But MOST annoying now is one that almost every single woman seems to do now And yes it is women strangely enough. Phoebe Judge (Criminal) is also lovely, as is Roman Mars (99 PI). "I think of Ira Glass as the king of vocal fry," she said. This usage of So is incorrect!!! Uptalk, a subset of valspeak, is the habit of producing a rising inflection as if youre asking a question even when youre not? I thought I was an a-hole for being annoyed at these things. Manhattan is apparently now Manhadden. and radio. Its usually when someone is trying to express exasperation or frustration-uh. I was convinced I was the only one who noticed the (extremely annoying) uptick of use with the word right in conversation. I relate to it now as it is the absolutely worst thing ever and the commercial uses the cymbals to change it into some great thing, which it is not. When I go into the 4th, 5th grade classes, I write my name on the board in cursive. They must be changed Out. James, They were you know, I mean, and I mean like. To those of you who are staying up to date with these comments and following this thread, we just posted a compilation video in this blog. Language is too rich. I recall an item on the NPR program All Things Considered in the EARLY 90s about the rising inflection? For me, the whole So thing is one of these pet peeves that makes me want to smash whatever device Im hearing the word played upon. You two have made so many excellent points! Im low on fuel so Im gonna stop and fill up Fine. I first noticed this in the TV series Unforgotten where it is hugely noticeable, but seeing earlier performances in the TV series Spooks from a number of years before, I see (hear!) Those filler words of such concern to some listeners are especially likely to slip in on live radio, when there is no opportunity to edit out mistakes or other problems. I thought I was being a stodgy Gen Xer in feeling profound contempt for these news pundits on CNN and MSNBC I just keep yelling at my TV: you sound like a moron! Theyre clearly not morons though many are well-educated and very smart but when they say right? and start a sentence with so they sound like idiots. Him: Im like did you see that? 10 years later, it has infected our speech everywhere in North America. Since I watch a lot of network tv, I hear this and other abominations on commercials, especially. She, indeed, speaks in a style you typically don't hear on serious news channels which NPR is special for . In addition, Ayesha is really the smartest and most inspiring reporter in Washington D.C. and speaks with an African-American Vernacular English accent while reporting. She has studied Alexander, Linklater, LeCoq, Stanislawski, Michael Chekhov, Meisner, Roy Hart, Suzuki, Viewpoints, and many other acting, voice, and movement techniques. at the start of your answer to each question I asked, and also your I could go no for ages but two of them fucked my life up, so I hate them all. I agree I cannot stand the fact that 90% of the population is now using the work awesome in a context and place that has nothing to do with its actual meaning. Awesome and absolutely. Whatever you think of, you're not alone: Many listeners have an idea of what an NPR voice should sound like. I think theres a time and place, but certainly the workplace is not the place. Were all in this together. Uh, no we are not. It sounds weird and affected. Also annoying is the fake lisp of many young-ish women trying to copy Emma Stone, assuming her lisp is real not sure. My current pet hate is the need for the speaker to promise to tell the truth as in To be honest, or Im not gonna lie, and then proceeds to reveal some piece of bland trivia! The So at the beginning of every answer to a question, the Vocal Fry, the Upspeak all irritate me beyond all measure. 3. Annoying! NPR= National Propaganda Radio Taxpayers should demand their hard earned dollars not be spent on this Lefty Commie Drivel. Weird or unique ways of speaking are one way to get noticed. We occasionally hear from listeners who critique what they perceive as the homogeneity of on-air voices. I dont know how these people get voice over jobs and why anyone would use them. Allison I have to chuckle at your comment, since just last night, while watching one of the football playoff games, my husband was getting quite annoyed at Tony Romos continuous use of the word right? uptick included, while commentating. Yet literally all of my female colleagues get constant criticism for how they speak or sound" He told me, except for two pronunciation corrections, he has never received a complaint about his voice or speaking manner even though, by his assessment, he uses "like" and "um" just as much as the women on the NPR Politics Podcast. I am now hearing full glottal stops ( I think that is the correct term) being ignored. Also, another annoying speech pattern is this: Costant micro-pauses after each couple of words, like if theres a question being asked or theres always some doubt. The way peoplearenowpurposely talking slow as though everyone theyre speaking to is a moron? The T-dropping is especially irritating because it sounds like something a very young kid would do and I HATE when adults talk like toddlers. Some of the family members have a better capacity to use words, language & phraseology than others that still use upspeak, vocalfry, text slang & whining. I mean, if it really was a problem that I say that phrase whenever Im trying to make my point, what difference does it make? Whatever! Hansen began acting at age 5, and was a cast member of a TV series on resisting peer pressure at 12. The ending gah sound, as in reading-gah drives me nuts. Ive get so annoyed when people do that!! I know my rights Im a tax payer!). Oh brother, Frankie! Out of protest, I might start writing the word out as ta, since that is how people are pronouncing the word. Not up-talk exactly, as in ending every sentence as if it were a question, but more when people are listing things that are maybe a little tedious. I notice the upspeak and vocal is prevalent mostly among young white females than anything else..but the valspeak..that is pretty universal..especially I find people my age use it as mostly fillers vs pauses when they are gathering their thoughts with like so ya know..I got 5 siblings w an equal balance of male and females and my parents growing up were drove up the wall by our over use of like. I cant stand to hear it, like nails on a chalkboard young ladies, please correct yourselves!!! Their thinking is that they are being fake if they change up. They probably started out as texting shortcuts, but the two I cant stand are LOL crammed into every sentence, and OMG at the beginning of every sentence. Thank you for your comment! All this said, very few reporters or hosts speak on air exactly as they do in person. Its rampant. I am dropping the mike now. Unfortunately the word, the shouting and the angry demeanor are now used by many standup comedians in place of jokes. I am finding it increasingly more difficult to watch television, or listen to certain radio broadcasters, due to distracting speech patterns and styles. Some of my pet peeves are as follows: I simply changed the channel on my tv. Also the northeastern dis, dat, dem and does for this, that, them and those. Have a listen how many times you hear ABSOLUTELY on the tv. But I find it truly obnoxious that every other sentence (or more) begins with the word Look. Can I just start by saying that two very annoying vocal trends that have reached us here in the UK / Northern Ireland in recent years are up speaking and vocal fry, which are bad enough on their own. What brought me here was the irritating way young females pronounce thank you. I didnt read all the comments, so my apologies if this was already mentioned. Even interviews with people youd think would be trained to avoid patterns like these are using them. Others, over exaggerated, more perfect, funner and many more. I meant in first person plural. [sheepish grin], Lets not forget the verbal infestation known as seriously. Clearly, it morphed perhaps by laziness from Are you serious [about]?, 1) I call it the shopping list speech pattern: I went to the store and bought some EGGS.. got some MILK and some BACON Its a good question.. uuuh-eem.. if we look at the sortve.. cultural implications.. implications.. we we find that people.. generally are all victims of being annoying.. 3 length vs. lenth, H (long a and ch) vs. (long a and shuss), streaming vs. shreaming. You know, the best way to find out the answers is to just Google it.. So annoying. Youve covered it all, including the Yes, no stupidity. News Media and Teachers are mispronouncing this word. Its just laziness (and somehow its become cool to sound lazy or bored). Hansen has taught techniques including Shakespeare, musical theater, and microphone and audition skills to children and adults of all ages. Thank gawd to learn Im not the only one who bitches about these assaults on English. Ask them when then the change in intonation and the rhythm, and theyll tell you they dont know. In 2015, Chenjerai Kumanyika, a radio journalist and professor, published an essay on Transom.org that sparked a conversation about race and public radio. I can sense the pits of hell opening within my spirit and anger arising like smoke of an erupting volcano, ahhhhh! I have suffered through dozens of interviews with millennials, both male and female, who use vocal fry, up talk and verbal place holders as if their lives depended on it. My spine is more aligned?. Hell start a sentence, but then even before he gets to the part that he wants to bully you into agreeing with, hell stick in a right?! That reminds me of a form of uptalk, but also theres a thing I notice where a person will have two pitches in their speech. (ex. Women who speak this way remind me of the ghosts in the movie, The Grudge.. Can you tell the audience exactly to what you are referring in your immediately preceding use of the word space? I found this sight because I searched to see if I was the only one annoyed by sentences starting with So , which I find very annoying. I suppose if the heart is in the right place, we can forgive some of these transgressions of speech. watch a MOvie, read a BOok, eat a COOkie, Ooops! Anyone who wishes to sound like an idiot is well within his or her rights to do so. What is that??? What I was really searching for is the new pattern that my daughter seems..touse. Valspeak is, like, short for the way Valley Girls talk that was, like, you know, so big Frank Zappa sang about it in 1982. "It has expanded my own understanding of the world and the people you have brought on board are excellent," he wrote. This cymbal sound bite, arent event how a professional drummer would play, or maybe would not immediately make this sound unless the cymbals were damaged somehow. Very annoying. They read out various super-chats & live comments, chat about various media happenings, but one host, Francis Foster (they are both stand up comedians too) repeatedly says absolutely in response to everything. Maybe its our television sets audio, but I wonder why womens vowels are so loud on news programs. attack becomes attawwk; radio becomes rawwdio. And what about people now pronouncing the t in often? Also have you noticed that many reporters and tv personalities will repeat words over and over like that that that that,,,and, and, and and to to to to which is now ta ta ta ta (examplethey were going ta ta ta be there on Friday) etc. Indeed, there's an ongoing conversation within public radio about the extent to which the industry asks some journalists to change their voices to conform to the (mostly white) voices that came before them. Speaking to Terry Gross on Fresh Air, linguist Penny Eckert described a preliminary study she conducted that asked participants to listen to two clips one with creak and one without. Heres another verbal habit thats annoyed me to the point of pounding the wall. One study found that young women with vocal fry were perceived as less competent and trustworthy. And everything is an experience this is a great millennial buzzword. Youre totally right. The inflection pattern the hosts use in every sentence of every voice over is exactly the same. Person 2: So, did you ever get to visit your mother in Phoenix?, If you are just answering someone elses previous question, DO NOT begin with So. Initially I read your comment as a knock on the Canadian pronunciation of sorry. Finally, it is a bid to keep the floor. Reporters get these complaints directly, too. Dropping the T is not a girl thing, at least not in the American South. Mostly female but males do it too. That one drives me crazy! Profeasionally, it comes down to efficiency and economy not to waste talk time with meaningless utterances or distractions. Am I alone in this? Ive recently heard this from an organic drink company: However you healthy., Another, from a vitamin supplement company: Want to brain better?. Once you learn a second language its hard to speak it incorrectly. The kids immediately say, I cant read cursive. I DO say February. So should only be used at the beginning of a sentence when you are either asking a new question or starting a whole new topic of conversation. Aha, I see what you did there. I may be a little looser with my language, grammar, slang with my close girlfriend than in a business or unfamiliar situation. Different than makes no sense. Hansen strives to make quality performance accessible to everyone, whether as a performer, creator, strategic leader, or coach. Hey Bob this original post was inspired from listening to NPRso you are not alone in your observations or annoyances at the kind of speech patterns readily available on our airwaves. You sound as ignorant as the people youre skewering. There is a good example of a migraine remedy commercial intoned by Khloe Kardashian. I dont know nothing about that. Speaking as an African American woman, if being more inclusive is the aim it fails. The ingredients were super fresh and it tasted super amazing!, The car we bought drives super fast! NPR's 50 Great Voices Entertainment: Music Voices. To me, that sounds idiotic and uppity, not to mention the hyper pronunciation. The one Im most sick of hearing and seeing is OMG.its not only extremely annoying and offensive, it makes the person using this abbreviation seem ignorant, unintelligent and immature, but it also happens to be highly blasphemous. It is not good representation of the general population; especially the show where it is only women who have the speech impediments. Even in filipino words like palapag theyll say palapag-gah'the gah sounds like when you pronounce the letter G. They do this do the last letter of the last word of the their sentence. People are suddenly emphasizing the wrong syllable in words that end in dent. She has received a few emails about her voice from listeners, including one that said she didn't sound certain saying her own name, which she briefly addressed in a Planet Money segment. Of course, that is a feeling that non-white, non-male, non-midwesterners have felt for most of the history of broadcasting. One of my pet peeve: Someone who always speaks the -ah at the end of there sentence. Id love to know how it happens. My current most annoying list includes some new & old (along with my initial yeah, no): 1) Vocalfry, can actually hurt voice. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. And, like a highly contagious virus, it is possible that by simply reading this post, you too will become afflicted! Sorrey and sorry. The 10th Ammendment says differently. It isnt just a curved exclamation point. context or discernible link to the discussion. Its interrupted cadence. 5. Endlessly irritating to me and I agree, it does sound affected. In addition, the effective and efficient usage of the words effective and efficient is an effective and efficient means of increasing effective and efficient effectiveness and efficiency. Maybe I can strap them to a chair and rake my finger nails down a chalkboard! I dont buy the argument that this is an empowering trend for women. I was thinking maybe it was a Mexican/American thing (I am Canadian). Ive even come close to writing to NPR about their guests propensity to start sentences with so. Another one Ive heard lately is everything going on these days. Why use a euphemism in place of the pandemic? I am also hearing stated instead of simply said, and dont get me started on the misuse of myself. Thank you for validating my observations! Can you tell the audience Chris Beck in his article in SpliceToday.com describes it best, "Michael Barbaro of the New York Times' The Daily podcast, sounds like he's in his death throes in the final two words of every sentence he speaks, and then he's able to miraculously revive himself instantly to begin the next one. Nothing new! For example as heard by a newscaster recently: I call this the singing list, the intonation conveys a meaning that the list is long, maybe endless, and whats being sung is a representative/illuminating example, but not exhaustive. Some of it likely occurs between people very familiar with each other. Thats litteriiiiing, and he just kept walkiiiiing That isnt exactly it, but its similar. The dropping of the T sound in the middle of words Ki**en, Bu**on is all over the place on radio and TV. Ive noticed the inflection is often followed by movement, such as a slight head tilt, nod, hands, or shift of the eyes, presumably as an emphasis. This post & comments are fun because though annoying is a subjective quality, some of these patterns & phrasing are widely undesirable. ", It's not quite clear where the style comes from, but Mae West is often cited as an example, so it's not a new phenomenon. Its not just insincere, its rude, as if theyre annoyed at having to say it. Some words are not meant to have all the letters pronounced. I mean, where did this one come from anyway? Its so distracting! The young woman interviewing them had the most annoying high pitched upspeak that I could not continue, and when I read the comments, many people commented on how annoying the so-called journalist was. Loved your video. I dont know of any name for that But reading your comment makes me think that maybe a lot of this type of speaking comes as a side effect of the Youtube and social media age, where people try to stand out and get noticed any way that they can. NPR has always kept American dialects and accents out of their reporting, but Vally-Girl seems to be OK. Ive been trying to figure out the speech pattern of an acquaintance its causing me irritation and anxiety. dontgetaphd 6 mo. Or is this merely habit? Viewers would be fascinated One thing that bothers me is when people pronounce the word ancient as ankshent. These little speech micro trends seem to pop up every now and then, then fade away over time (thank God!). I first noticed it when Joanna Gains talked and now I notice it everywhere. So, you probably already know about vocal fry, valspeak and uptalk, right? Maybe it is something that every generation deals with, so perhaps its just the age, life experience and maturity that needs to be there before common sense advice can sink in. Its not even with lists. It really annoys me when people are speaking in clear English and then when its time foe them to refer to a foreign culture such as Latinos they cant just say Latinos like we do in English but they have to HEAVILY saturate their pronunciation so they can prove that they are almost (or actually) bilingual. And I give a slight nod to the d in Wednesday. Its like special effects in cinema: theyre not special anymore if a movie is 90% special effects. A year ago I started a list of new words and phrases starting to appear in last 20 years. !, WAIT-aahh. And whats with the puzzling trend of using a string of question marks for emphasis? I first noticed this on the Ezra Klein podcast. https://t.co/7p2fxbZTAN. Budden for BUTTON bugs the hell out of me. Drives me crazy every time. I see it in the office at work and from my 16 yr old Daughter. Jessica Hansen is the voice of NPR's funding credits, and serves as an in-house voice coach for NPR. I wondered if I was alone in my discomfort. I dont think most people realize how annoying it is, especially when it becomes a pattern of speech, which it often does. Segue is a conditional signal that the conversation has changed hands to the other participant. A lazy speech habit that grates on my nerves is the use of Also too. infomercial voice overs and direct response marketing, Voice Over Trends 2023: Less Looking, More Listening, Is the Golden Age of Voice Over Gone? Ive also noticed uptalk transcends position and demographics. This listing or auctioneer way of speaking is an affectation from vlogs. Please. It appears "almost exclusively among women, and young women. I don't think the latter is our goal.". Ask people why they do it (has to be within moments of the list having been sung) and theyll tell you its just a list. A major part of the Biden plan is to sort of prioritize pandemic assistance. Every time I hear her voice, I immediately reach for the volume and turn it down. Its mildly disturbing to me. She dragged out the word and pitched it higher. The shtraight down the shtreet seems to be 40-45 and under. Heres what makes me hit mute/delete on any podcast, youtube speaker, Radio, etc. Small talk usually calls for this kind of language unless youre writing a research paper. The voices on NPR are more diverse than ever. For instance LAST becomes LOST. Speech patterns seem to trend quite quickly. Its a strange phenomenon in my mind, but of course trends come and go. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Bring Debbie the details of your next commercial, narration, phone system recording or other voiceover project. 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