Tim reminded as he began feeding coordinates into Damian's gauntlet, "Mimic their behaviour- and we're more than willing to". Especially as they were waiting for more of the League to rejoin them, hopefully with fresh intelligence. Up in the air, Wonder Woman asked with concern, Shouldnt we go after them?. After that, Flash had changed the channel, not being in the mood for such a downer after a long day. Its written in a dead language only I can read, Savage helpfully explained. Work Search: Especially with the risk of the Straw Hats?, At a guess, the alien speculated, the heavy matter was too hazardous for Savage to contain indefinitely. ". Rolling aside and using the momentum of their crash, he let Savage fall forward where Green Lantern had just been. Hmm, no sign of an accent to his impeccable German. At best guess there was an Allied counter-attack happening elsewhere they had been recalled for, or maybe to refuel, with these retreating soldiers being deemed a lesser priority. How was this built?. You cant stop em single-handed! Sergeant Rock yelled after him. Just . Behind them, the massive, Nazi wheel-tanks were mowing down entire blocks of a gutted, French city to advance upon them. The soldiers . With a quick burst of electricity, he slammed Green Lantern against the viewport. he yelled to Hawkgirl over the sound of the dozens of guns firing at them. ", AU where Jason bails Tim out of jail and his family is certain Tim killed someone (he hasn't, but no one quite seems to think that art theft is his style), , Shipling RivalriesScarlettSwordMoon. His friend knows him as Kid Flash?, Yeah. This is a harry potter/batfamily crossover and is set in the summer Harry's 5th year. Allied warships were in the ocean below, and tracer fire from their cannons clearly visible. Theyre turning back! cheered Flash, watching the last surviving two jets breaking off back east. The Waynes star in their very own reality TV show! Meanwhile the sergeant managed to run forward enough to throw his own grenade in, with the gunners bailing out and running for it. Hawkgirl glanced away in dismay and a touch of irritation at his blindness. 2549 guests Because appearing on Earth had clearly not been their choice. She nodded in understanding, and went back to keeping a careful eye out. Vandal smirked smugly at them. They must know hes part of the Resistance., If we succeed, he never will be, he reminded her. Something he could not guarantee he and the others were prepared enough for. The least we can do is respect his silence", "For the last time, I didn't kill anyone!" also this was written at like 2am pls be nice. Good. What if Damian actually had a twin? The rest of the Justice League had just caught up when something caught Martian Manhunters senses, and his eyes glowed with his power as he reached out with his mind to confirm it. "But this technology's way too advanced," she said. . Truthfully though, there had not been too much for him to do there. Leaving the others behind to finish getting up, he dashed up some rubble to where the roof was torn off to get a view from the second-story. 'Dozer and Ice Cream, hit 'em from the side, I'll stay in the middle. Or would that cause a time paradox? Comfortable in his lab, Vandal waited for his guest to wake up. As that alternate version of Batman had warned them, D-Day was turning into a full-fledged rout. As he had told her, his wounds were all healed, except never before had he been scarred. . His ruminations were interrupted, and he snapped back to the present. He was supposed to pass right over any stray ships that by some fluke he came across, and be gone before they even had a chance to raise their guns! What is it? she asked, stepping forward. Some brave souls had even made a pass at Wonder Woman. The very proof of it was in this room, with technology decades and decades ahead of its time. We made the wrong call, Green Lantern grimly knew. Come on, lets go! she yelled, grabbing his wrist, and he clasped hers in turn. Please consider turning it on! - @lilboyblu . Whoever left from our time could have gotten here months ago. And how much money did he spend on all this shrimp? Not only of comparisons to her peoples own war with the Gordanians, but also . For a little bit of history, yes Savages new symbol for Nazism is based upon the Schutzstaffel symbol, or the SS, Hitlers infamous secret police and agents of atrocities. Probably to get into the tasty treats before theyre all gone. Well, time to get to work, he grimly knew. Definitely not military markings. Plus there was the matter of that message. He's headed for America!". "Are we just going to gloss over the fact that Tim is in denial about killing someone?" What would Luffy have even said if he had seen them? I didnt think he would have been okay with this, let alone come! Stop it.. Now the images were that of historical scenes from a future that will never be. Looking up he saw Hawkgirl swooping down to help, only to miss another jet coming about. Martian Manhunter looked down upon the Nazis militarys high command building. They should have had no warning at this distance, had no reason to look up with all this cloud cover at night, and according to his latest reports were not even supposed to be on this course! Youre not going anywhere!, You think you can kill me? asked Vandal, stepping away from his chair so he could move easier. Please excuse me Flash, but dont think this conversation is over.. That was irrelevant. A devastating attack in Metropolis leaves promising young detective Percy Jackson in desperate need for a fresh start. started december 2022 The sound of flesh hitting flesh, and a brief burst of gunfire caught his attention, and he looked to see the Allied saboteur was on his feet, machine gun pointed straight at Vandal. . It's a new day. Savage had definitely been intending to show the laptop from the start. Its time to start adding to the Justice League membership list, and Wally has the perfect candidate in mind: Nightwing. Can you use their communicator to send a warning?, Im not sure the signal is strong enough!, Weve got to alert the Allies, keep trying., "It's not too late," said Wonder Woman decisively. Dozens of them. Through the viewport, Vandal saw yet another of his trump cards explode. Shortly after, the co-pilot reported the others were slowing down to maintain formation with their leader. This isnt over, said Flash, before he zipped off. ", "We're not from any one country. Which was personally disappointing, since I did enjoy that part of the story. Oh, and Wonder Woman had gone with Jonn too, refusing to let him go into enemy territory alone. Sure we did, and we left him behind with pirates gone nutso!, And if we didnt get through the portal, everything wouldve been for nothing! snapped Green Lantern. felt like magic. Aboard the jet, John burst through a crawlspace to find himself alone in a spacious room with what looked to be a lot of important machinery. She was done with the mythical world, all she wanted was peace. They came to the medical tent, and she pointed at all the men stretched out on the beds. Say your prayers, Savage! A right hook stunned the would-be conqueror. Something he could . Gothams grand hall was crowded to the bone with the rich. Even if the man had benefited from Cherry Blossom Medicals products, it was a simple fact that his Kryptonian healing was superior. Only then did his war wheels swoop in, performing to perfection. A Knight of Shadows, Part 2 Only a few turrets missing. He knows that he wasn't supposed to be in a 12-year-old stranger's body and his name isn't Jonas Cane EDITING IN PROGRESS What are their powers?". Although maybe I can finally indulge in a warning, now that we are this close to the endgame. Those troops are getting decimated! said Superman. All systems operational!, Then signal the others, Vandal smoothly ordered, fire the afterburners.. Here, without any of the rest of the Justice League, was this all he amounted to? Well, he would be happy to share the truth. It doesnt work.. Lets just get ourselves settled down to tell Batman and Shining Knight all about it first.. Fist raised, the other man tried to capitalize on this, only to be put off balance as the damage to the instruments was putting them into a steep dive towards the ocean below. 16. Only he could not shake that feeling. "WHOO! ." Blackbeard Not him though. Realistically it was impossible to evacuate everyone from France. The scream which tore from Martian Manhunters throat was real, as agony beyond his expectations crackled throughout his form. And then it started firing death at the soldiers. Plus she may have been referring to the sheer size and obvious sophistication of it. Coming forward so they were face-to-face. Unlike those mysterious tanks, these had no defense against him. just rolled with it. Green Lantern did not want to have to deal with this. Which does not include purposely excluding him from league events and lying about it. A warning that even without taking into account the superheroes, time travel, etc., this episode is not historically accurate in many respects. Her name is Vikisha and she is a half superhero and a half villain, the most powerful hero and villain in the universe. Doubtless here to lead whatever invasion he had planned, with nearly everybody else now already aboard. So he took a moment to grasp his temper. Especially as they had visibly been weakened by the process; similar to how the Justice League had been when they had traveled back to the past. Because yeah, no explanation was ever given on how they got back home to the proper timeline. No, but I do know that he annoyed his best friend so much about it that he refused to talk to Kid anymore., Diana laughed. A stray round from the ships below struck him, and he fell from the sky. At no point did he or Hawkgirl try to save those men. So what if he did not speak German? Oh no! he moaned. The Siege of Gotham Without another word, he left the room. Regardless, he would have to be sure to destroy this before leaving. . If she had time, she might try and see if she could adjust it so it rested over her shoulder, leaving her hands free. 10. "The technology inside this device will give you a huge advantage in the war. Green Lantern, he weakly said. Word To: Harry is written on the top. A chill went up and down her wings at the memory of how close she had been to decapitation. Groaning, John felt himself hefted off the ground by his arms, and dragged down hallways and up stairways. I will be, she said, looking a strange mixture of fury and regret. The fact the building was both taller and more heavily armed than he believed were historically accurate, improved the chances this was the place to be. Rated: Fiction M - English - Friendship/Humor - Bruce W./Batman, Diana of Themyscira/Wonder Woman - Chapters: 51 - Words: 224,835 - Reviews: 578 - Favs: 553 - Follows: 500 - Updated: 1h . A Knight of Shadows Knowing the future, how can I not succeed?, Ive seen your future. snarled Vandal, slapping the fool across his face. Indeed, Superman grabbed one enemy plane to throw into another, and flew straight through a third in a fiery explosion. Like a black hole. Truthfully, it was an impressive place, and she would have to investigate with the others what it was like in the future. He checked to see nobody had spotted him. It had definitely been worth the effort to subvert all those contractors a decade or two ago to ensure their cooperation and silence. The video Batman had shown them of the man who had shot and executed the pirate Luffy. Unfortunately for everyone though, it did not look like he would have much choice. One passed Hawkgirl a sandbag as part of a chain of men, and she placed it on the improvised barricade. Hold this, she ordered, before drawing her mace as it crackled with energy. "This time all bets are off!". And with that she flew off back into the fight. 12. After an eternity it was over, and he hunched forward on his hands again, the stench of something burning stinging his nose. Despite his words though, the two of them kept landing blows which gave the pilots a chance to survive as their rides fell from the sky. The Savage Time Seeing that no one followed her, Superman asked, Who just came?, Barry looked confused, I thought you said Batman told you he wasnt coming, GL?, Diana glared at Hal, who at least had the decency to look nervous. Even if they were quickly fading. And more are coming. Unity . He should have walked away, should have gone to the leaky cauldron, rented a room, slept, and owled his friends. ", For some reason they all seemed surprised and happy to see him. None of them had managed to hold in screams of horror and fear at the sensation of that trip. "The description of your friends did not match those ten, but how many did you bring with you? In many ways he was the Heart of the team. With almost physical exertion, she pushed that thought aside, and turned her attention to finally properly inspecting her new weapon. "Batman, it's really you!". Even so, it is abundantly clear they are far more powerful than weve been crediting them with.. Sixty years from now, it'll be a child's toy." . Its the big man himself, said John grimly. Something shifted in the air, and he retreated into the shadows. With a line of those massive, wheeled tanks rolling aboard them, each of the multi-story high vehicles utterly dwarfed by their new mothership.. Flying up beside his partner, he said, Friends of yours? while he nodded at the hawk-head insignia painted on their sides. Hes a hero too. "What do we need you for anyway? Meanwhile the Allied soldiers cheered and advanced. Alongside him were his new squadmates, all of whose names he had finally gotten. . Justice League | Adventure Humor Friendship Family Robin Batman Nightwing Oc Tim Drake A seemingly normal day changes in a matter of seconds when thirteen-year-old Teri Anderson is confronted by the Clown Prince of Crime. Whats the matter?. Until he figured by now Savage was far enough away. The whole story about the garden of eden begins with eaten Apple, and here even in comics, Nazis needed to win because of an Apple laptop. They used it as a tunnel into the past. pseudonomicon, honeydatme2, Theresa_Bane, GreenWitch0691, lisfoxs, RimuruSama, Papaya__a, Black_tengu, MGLOO, Alaskabarrusco, brightgreeneyess, RatCrack, sadfangirl_with_nolife, bbangtan, PebbleStoneBroken, Sanjuno, nicolegmr, Oosbeck, Salty_Cookie, yayayayayafrc, keepmelukewarm, Djangopups, Puppens101, SkatingJellyfish, WenaAml1288, Blue_Stormrider, jamourlecamembert, Natuz, reachingforthestardust, talesoflore, Estela0107, Yukijiji, S_C_G, idesignz99, Macire, Yuueisabel, ellieontheplanes, eurasia, WiseOwl007, Kohumi, unknown_000, Tcraq, minimonitt, sleepingelle, Wildcat225, Juvel, Lilacs_and_the_sea, ineedabettername, Xenzi, Drulove, and 5352 more users More worried about their own, Easy Company converged on Wildman. Which of course meant my future self couldnt know precisely when or where it would turn up, but I still found it.. Between Vandals official and personal agents, he would have long been alerted if the Allies had such tricks up their sleeves. Look again! His features beneath his cowl softened as he drank in her following words. While he tried to glare defiantly after the bigger man, he could not help drop his head in shame. hiding in plain sight. In contrast, these newcomers appeared to be a level actually above their previous opponents in power and skill. Which indeed they had indeed proven very capable at. She was fully recovered from her fight with Robin, and her own clashes with the Nazis had left her unharmed. Be ready. To be perfectly fair, figuring out how and where these impossible weapons were coming from was the highest priority. Yes, those people were building stuff for the Nazis, and apparently important stuff, yet that did not mean they deserved to die. Yes please. Nothing about him really screams child-friendly!, And yet I dont hear you disagreeing with me!, Batman is a member of this team, Diana intervened, and he should be treated as such. Injustice for All Part 1 From the Nazi side rolled up a massive tank unlike anything they had ever seen before. left kudos on this work! This was it. Down from the clouds swept Blackhawk Squadron, having finally caught up. For instance, apparently Adolf Hitler had been replaced as Fuhrer, and his fate was unknown. roseanne: so all this happened cause of laptopblacky: in a word yesrose:black:rose: it was Apple, right?black: hmmm?rose: the laptop, Apple laptop. Take evasive action! ordered Vandal, voicing the obvious to prod his people into doing their jobs while they stared slack jawed at the sight of another transport falling towards the waters below. Meanwhile ClarSuperman wryly said, A lot can happen in a few hours . . Green Lantern threw aside his gun and helmet. Moreover, after Wonder Womans recent injuries against Parasite, seeing her bruised once more was particularly upsetting. She didnt enjoy getting punched in her last life and that hasnt changed in this one either. Without another word Flash was off as a red streak, with the others in the air behind him. What do they say? said Steve, leaning forward. Begin Operation: Endgame!, Vandal had killed people for lesser insolence. He glanced down at John's hand. Apparently the man was such a genius weapons designer he had earned his advancement on that alone. It was a slaughter as the Kryptonian just hovered there, invulnerable, while again and again his eyes flashed red to down a plane. whatever that was, said Flash. For the sake of everything, there was no way was he going to give his enemy even an inch of a chance of surviving. Sound familiar at all? At his words, the crewmen of all the ships he was with took up their own cries of victory. I can't wait for more!! " "Or maybe the map's no good," offered Wildman, looking over said piece of paper for the umpteenth time. To the point one could say the pirate Zoro would not so much have killed her, but executed her. said Andr, holding up a fist. When you add Zero to the number one, you get the number one.Zero is nothing but a number. Everyone else followed. We lost, No, hes here! He pulled out of her grip, and looked down at one of the last remaining vessels, headed towards a cold, dark grave. His wounds had not bothered him, and assured her that he had already healed. They werent invented until after the war! Now his enemies were fleeing for their lives, and would retreat back to Britain to stew in their failure. Now keep moving before we lose anyone else.. Fortunately (but not for Batman) his kids have him covered. Work Search: -Urban Dictionary. The hills a phony! From the corner of his eyes she gave him a look impossible to decipher beneath her mask. Progress. 4. What other things did he know about the pirates that were wrong? "I'll never betray them," swore Martian Manhunter. They had everything prepared before the Straw Hats arrived, and had to use it despite the worsening situation. Something which seemed to be happening more and more, lately. The superior man, he answered with a smirk, before walking away. An international paramilitary force fighting for the rights and freedoms of others. Before he would not have said he could tell what that sensation was like, only now he could not shake the feeling it was something different. He glared icily at the accusation, and at the words impossible for this man to know. So truthfully, while the Justice League fought great together, even in the heat and chaos of combat, they rarely needed their own coordination beyond what they threw together mid-fight. Any other questions?. Read the most popular justice-league stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. And now that I think about it, he hasnt once said a word about us bringing the kids here, leading me to believe that no one told him about it.. Again, I am late, but better late then never. As best as he could figure from these instruments though, it was going to collapse in a few minutes. However they also said it was unstable. The Allies were being forced to surrender all the territory they had liberated, and flee back to the beaches as fast as they could travel. . Professionally she pushed her dread aside, and flew closer to see what she could do to help. Andr's from France, Hendrickson from Holland, Olaf comes from Norway, and I'm Blackhawk, from Poland.". In short order, Superman, Flash, and Hawkgirl found themselves standing beside the burning wreckage of what had once been a critical Nazi war factory. Injustice for All Part 3 Something Superman could understand a little, having heard Lois story of how she had travelled to an alternate world where her death had hardened his own other-self into a tyrant. Especially since they had been dumped into the past by a machine which had not even been invented yet, right? Instead machine gun rounds tore into the piloting controls. Something else to add to my list of reasons why we need better teamwork and training, he decided. "You've obviously forgotten about the weapons I've already created. Thanks for helping us out up there, said Hawkgirl, speaking for the three of them. Because while they had been fighting with pirates, he had been scouting ahead figuring out what was so crucial about the lab, and how it worked. It intrigued her, and not just because it was from a technologically advanced future she was hoping to ensure would never be. It would mean leaving him behind. I it isn"trose: you know, what's more funny?black (giving up on explaining): what?rose: my computer is on the shop getting fixed. For all her skill and strength, she had been helplessly outclassed. He felt a smile breaking across his face, and did nothing to hide it. And especially since from what we saw, unlike us the Straw Hats have proven capable of their own teamwork! Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. "You're not going to believe what we've been through," said Hawkgirl. Yes, she grimaced. Someone, who is similar yet different from Damian Wayne. Take off!. Do crocodiles really live in Gotham's sewers? With a touch of will he slipped through the manacles, and confronted his tormenter. Over the last few years I've come to realize that World War Two was the last, best opportunity for me to assume full and permanent power.". ", Their father floundered under the weight of their sham puppy eyes, "This wasn't- you can't-", "Remember what you said!" Just a little work to dispose of all the super-advanced weaponry here and there, and Jonn confirming that the Nazi leadership had defrosted Hitler from his icy prison to lead them again. said the biggest, with his jacket open to show his muscular chest, sleeves ripped off, extra-large gun (an automatic? Credit to Analise0626 for the idea. Research into an article about the public perception of costumed superheroes brings Eddie and Venom to Gotham City to learn how the citizens there feel about their Caped Crusader.Their investigation brings them from the glittering world of Wayne Charity Galas to the underground tunnels and the crime riddled streets to face the Bat and his family. Circumstances lead to them finding and losing one another, but now it's her turn to fight back for the city that has given and taken so much from her. As much as he enjoyed the opportunity to lay out his greatness, it was still best to keep some secrets. . Injustice for All Part 6 Out of the clouds came dozens of Axis fighter planes. Martian Manhunter decked the shocked torturer into unconsciousness. Although by this point she was nearly out. Back to the present (past? Meanwhile Superman and Hawkgirl tag-teamed another, as he took out the turrets and she safely made the blows. He could see stone walls and a floor, plus debris from a wooden roof of camouflage they were all standing upon. Were trying to stop that from all every happening, including everyone the Nazis will be killing if they win! And this was being repeated all across the massive complex, with at least a dozen more of those oversized jet planes being loaded up. No, his grim mood was because of other concerns, and not just the time travel. Or could the pirates in the timeline they were trying to save, be able to do the same sort of harm to him? The commando dodged a back-handed slap, and grabbed his forearm where the glove did not cover, wrenching it up so Vandals own face was shocked by it. Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Duke Thomas & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Past Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne - Relationship, Confusing the Justice League and other family activities - Batfam, Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain & Bruce Wayne, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, James Potter is Not Harry Potter's Parent, The BAU Team (Criminal Minds) & Dick Grayson, Chronicly Ill Girls Criminal Minds/DC works, Bart Allen/Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Bart Allen & Tim Drake & Kon-El | Conner Kent, Batkids love to mess with the Justice League, mentions of various romantic relationships, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth is here just on a phone call at the end, "Lets just blow it up and call it a day" ~ day 4 (Timari January 2023, Tim Drake/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Batman: Wayne Family Adventures (Webcomic), Mentioned Dick Grayson/Barbara Gordon-Freeform, mentioned Dick Grayson/Koriand'r - Freeform, mentioned Bruce Wayne/Selina Kyle - Freeform, Brief Mentions Of Canon Typical Cannibalism, Good Parents Eddie Brock & Venom Symbiote, other batfamily members make a cameo at the end, Alternate Universe - Among Us (Video Game) Setting, they just play among us thats it thats the fic, mild ooc but its crack what are u expecting, Bruce 'I should have stopped with one kid' Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Cass Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Duke Thomas & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson Tries to Be a Good Older Sibling, Random Holiday Prompts 2022 (Mqons Version), alfred i dont give a damn i raised you pennyworth, alfred is both a tired dad and a tired grandpa, other DC characters may make an appearance, a bit of crack in here and some is treated seriously. 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