OUR VISION is to take the Gospel both to our nearby world and to the ends of the earth, proclaiming Christ, and warning and teaching every man with all wisdom, in order that we may present every person fully mature in Christ Jesus. A few weeks later I was called for jury duty. Its time to reset your foundation on the cornerstone of faith: putting your trust first in Jesus and the Bible. It could be an early sign of a cracking foundation. He goes on to say, Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. The word fall is pipto, which means to fall. That is exactly when the enemy will slip in to take us captive in different areas of our lives. .because of the cracks. You may have a issue in your spiritual foundation, leading to more visible wears and tears in your home. Take a look at this verse below: And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent: (Acts 17:30KJV). I have explained this point in greater detail in this blog post here. Please check your life in light of the four factors I have elaborated. Fixing the Cracks in our Foundation May 9, 2022 jeannehedrick The people of God today are grappling with so many alarming developments, we dont know which hole in the dyke to plug up first! Thus, while the peoples pride and overconfidence kept growing stronger and stronger over the years, they failed to notice that the foundations and walls of their city had begun to deteriorate and form massive cracks at the base of the walls. For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. I am a firm believer in the fact that God will often use physical illustrations to communicate to us spiritual truth. He who believes in it will not be disturbed. % For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. The Scriptures (and our past General Conference) make it clear that we are in for both easier days ahead (once this pandemic is over), as well as harder days ahead that we must prepare for. For Permission to Quote Information visit http://www.lockman.org. Colossians 1:28, 2023 Rick Renner Ministries. I spend less and less time in my Bible because it just seems to highlight my failures. 5 Points to Consider when Starting a New Venture: Tracking the Proverbs 31 Woman Series 27, 5 Ways to Know your Mission and Call in Life: Tracking the Proverbs 31 Woman Series 26, 4 Ways to Ensure you are Profitable from Gods Perspective: Tracking the Proverbs 31 Woman Series 25, 5 Disciplines of the Godly Woman| A Womans Morning Routine: Tracking the Proverbs 31 Series 24, How a Woman Girds Herself with Strength 3 Areas to Focus on: Tracking the Proverbs 31 Woman Series 23, 5 Ways to be Consistent and Guard Against Legalism: Tracking the Proverbs 31 Woman Series 14, WHAT IS YOUR SPIRITUAL FOUNDATION LIKE? The ability of a house to weather storms and the relentless powers of decay, is dependent on the quality of its foundation. Identify which crack in your foundation calls out the most to be addressed. Character I am falling down in areas of integrity and compassion. The only foundation that will stand the test of time is the Word of God, in hearing and doing what it says. Fear God, and respect the king.. WebA True Story To Demonstrate The Danger of Cracks in Your Life Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. All it takes is a few cracks, well-placed, at the right moment, and the whole thing comes crumbling down. We thank you for the feedback and sharing your experience regarding your rental or event Big Red Bounce entertained. Whats more, you are his holy priests. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. A bribe here or there may look normal, even right to do. . When you put all of this together,First Corinthians 10:12 could be translated: If anyone has the opinion of himself that he is standing strong and firm, he needs to be continually watchful and always on his guard lest he trip, stumble, and fall from his overconfident position and take a nose-dive downward to a serious crash!. As you are true to your covenants made in the temple, you will be strengthened by His power. Finally, the gaps in the walls became so wide that a human body could easily slip through them but the people didnt even realize that they were no longer secure! WebThat when we begin to return to some sense of normality and remove said dirt, and even before then, cracks will be apparent in our individual foundation. You go to church. This can be many things. WebA failing foundation in your Des Moines home can compromise the entire structure and needs to be fixed as quickly as possible. Some time ago, I was talking to a friend who has recently discovered that his house is beginning to show its age because cracks are forming in his foundation. In the New Testament, it is used to depict someone who falls into a terrible predicament or into a worse state than he was in before. Photo: froghugger (Shutterstock) Foundation cracks can be the stuff of nightmares for homeowners. Respect everyone, and love the family of believers. However, the repair work varies based on the cracks location, shape, and size, as well as the type of foundation material. Sometimes we may feel that we are walking on unstable groundliterally and figuratively . Behold, I will set your stones in antimony. Be done with all deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy, and all unkind speech. xcbdg`b`8 $X@M@ A V+pL@/ a@ I have seen some houses where the foundation has become so compromised that when you walk in the door you begin to feel as though you have lost your balance because the whole house is leaning. Unresolved, it will lead to more damage to other areas of your home and a much higher cost to repair. This decision to marry an unbeliever indicates that there is a crack in the foundation. Scriptures: Gold At this level we are building with the best. the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it felland great was its fall. The church at Corinth, and the Christians at Corinth were picked up out of the miry clay of sin, just like you and I, and they were founded upon that Rock that is Jesus Christ. %PDF-1.5 Too many of us are having foundation problems in life already and we just keep ignoring the problem until its too late. For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. If the main problem is that your foundation is sinking, polyurethane foam injections may be a great option for you to lift the foundation effectively. A Christian, for instance, who will not give themselves to prayer, intake of Gods Word and or other disciplines of the faith, but who will criticize those who do so, can be on the dangerous path of backsliding. Ly n n Lu s by P r a t t Have you noticed any of the following in your church or your own spiritual life: Eastern mysticism, occult practice, a dismissal of the atonement, the silence, a downplaying of Scripture, a hate-the-church mentality? Designed by, INVERSORES! Then, when spiritual earthquakes occur, you will be able to stand strong because your spiritual foundation is solid and immovable. x]Hr}W I n?d. But only weeks later, I noticed in a high corner the wallpaper had buckled, and in some places, it had even split. As this apathy took over, the residents smugly concluded that there was no other city as secure as theirs. Here is an incredible story from history that demonstrates the danger of cracks in your spiritual life. Once you received no mercy; now you have received Gods mercy. Dear friends, I warn you as temporary residents and foreigners to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls. This is the Lords doing;It is marvelous in our eyes.. Interesting, Uchtdorf used the same bit of history in his last conference talk with a different analogy. Inspecting and Evaluating Foundation Cracks . It took only a few minutes for the enemy soldiers to creep through those fractures and silently make their way up to the top of the city walls. We knew we had to eventually fill it up. Learn more: Tell me what you think: On what basis do you make your decisions? COMPLEJO DE 4 DEPARTAMENTOS CON POSIBILIDAD DE RENTA ANUAL, HERMOSA PROPIEDAD A LA VENTA EN PLAYAS DE ORO, CON EXCELENTE VISTA, CASA CON AMPLIO PARQUE Y PILETA A 4 CUADRAS DE RUTA 38, COMPLEJO TURISTICO EN Va. CARLOS PAZ. The day we allow that to happen, we are in big trouble! (My grandmothers house had to fix foundation problems.). Independent/Bible. We become so busy with life, so tossed about by everyday cares, or perhaps so confident of our own abilities, that we become unaware of our own spiritual need. Does your decision making reflect who God is to you? Have you come to a saving knowledge of His grace? If youre looking to master your spiritual growth in 2022, apply here via email: [email protected] 2022 Predictions From The Akashic Records. Secondly, a persons stand on cultural, social, or even political issues can indicate a crack in the foundation. Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a tested stone. As a result of this haughty attitude, they stopped giving attention to the foundations and walls of their spiraling city. Got some cracks in your spiritual life? Because of our non-attendance in our wards and communities, isolation from friends and family, instability in the workplace, and loss of loved ones, many of our foundations have been covered. We set our own agenda, and we no longer listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit trying to speak to us. Lastly, those either less or non-receptive to the Spirit previously, may be more receptive then they were previously. A house with foundation problems certainly wont bring top dollar in the market. Therefore, the devil has no access to me! I would like permission to use your graphic Firm Foundation.. On January 1, 1862, he announced that the inadequate foundation would be removed and replaced by one made entirely of granite. . He only is my rock and my salvation,My stronghold; I shall not be greatly shaken. How ready were you and I to become our own personal "Ward" for months at a time? But the repair only lasted until the wind shifted again. He alone is my rock and my salvation,my fortress where I will never be shaken. :). Wood We begin to compromise and make excuses. When I asked her about it she said: Oh, the house needs foundation work. Whats is persistently calling to you? You are coming to Christ, who is the living cornerstone of Gods temple. Join this year-long interactive study of the New Testament & Proverbs that includes maps, photographs, and virtual tour videos that helps bring context and meaning to Scripture. Roads are often built for one reason, but God uses them in our lives for another altogether. WebIf its no wider than 1/10 of an inch, then vertical cracks in your foundation are not serious. Barna Group, God never intended feelings to guide us. You do all you know to do as a believer. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. To leave a comment, just click here. Before we look at possible causes when it comes to cracks in ones spiritual foundation, lets ask the question: How can one tell there are cracks in a given spiritual foundation? EXCELENTE OPORTUNIDAD DEPARTAMENTO CNTRICO EN COSQUIN, OPORTUNIDAD CHALET VILLA MIRADOR DEL LAGO. The word thinketh is from the Greek word dokeo, which in this case means to be of the opinion, to reckon, to suppose, or to think, as it is translated here in the King James Version. No? Jesus told them, I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and are dead (Revelation 3:1). The passage of scripture that I am going to give to you is written by the Apostle Paul to the church at Corinth. Do you know what it means to listen to Him in His Word and prayer? He is the stone which was rejected by you, the builders, but which became the chief corner stone. Thinking I am trying to justify my wrong choices. Say Hey! There is nothing here to verify that the individuals opinion is correct; only that it is the prevailing opinion he has regarding himself. << /Pages 59 0 R /Type /Catalog >> They often look like the concrete is flaking off, and theyre typically the result of excess water corroding your rebars. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. WebThat when we begin to return to some sense of normality and remove said dirt, and even before then, cracks will be apparent in our individual foundation. Sometimes they do so because they want to make the house stable enough to sell. The intent of this weeks column is to encourage you to tend to the areas of your life that require attention. Just as is the case with a physical foundation, knowing the factors that will cause cracks in a spiritual foundation will be key. It doesnt take long before we can visibly see the damage that results. WebSpalling cracks are wide surface cracks that follow the direction of rebars. Contact Anchored Walls at the first sign of a foundation issue. 28 0 obj A Non-Denominational Community in St. Joseph, Missouri. If you know what you are doing, you dont need an atomic bomb to wreak havoc. My understanding of this verse is that as long as you are ignorant, God will overlook. Now is the time to repair any cracks, gaps or damage to our spiritual foundation. But because the believers in that church got too busy and failed to give heed to the foundational things in their lives, cracks began to form spiritually over time. Personally, I feel like the pandemic has uncovered the foundations for many people, either exposing existing cracks or showing their strength. These folks often have to weigh the cost of repairs, running into the thousands of dollars, against the loss of value in their home, and then decide if the gain in value is greater than the cost of repairs. 1. Why? Indeed their rock is not like our Rock,Even our enemies themselves judge this. He who believes in it will not be disturbed. 30 0 obj Operating in fear 4. When we make decisions based on any other foundation but Gods Wordnot simply morality, but real, biblical truthwe sit at the mercy of any winds whim. Your email address will not be published. stream He was writing to the very ones that he had preached the gospel to and helped them to start out with the right foundation. WebPlease believe me when I say that when your spiritual foundation is built solidly upon Jesus Christ, you have no need to fear. Sounds silly, but we see it all the time: The problem, of course, lies not in the wallpaper, the walls, or even the wind. With the outbreak of the American Civil War in 1861, the army was needed elsewhere, and it departed from Utah by December of that year. Are you aFrequent Listenerto the Restoration Podcast? That when we begin to return to some sense of normality and remove said dirt, and even before then, cracks will be apparent in our individual foundation. 4. Privacy Policy | Return/Refund Policy. Not knowing the armys intentions, Brigham Young had the temple foundation covered with dirt as a precaution. I did so because I believe that a lot of people, especially the people of God, must be careful of the foundation upon which they build their lives. Maybe even your own life. Next, Paul says, Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth. The word standeth comes from the Greek word istemi, which simply means to stand, to stand fast, to stand firm, or to stand upright. We however knew it would be important to deal with any factors that might have been causing the cracking in order to ensure the problem would be permanently sorted. Is Jesus Lord and king of your life? Self-sufficiency goes beyond simply having a few weeks or months of food storage and knowing how to budget. The Holy Spirit shows me every area of my life that is weak and that needs attention. Please examine my heart and help me identify those areas of my life that need to be fixed or corrected. At this time, President Young examined the newly uncovered foundation and became aware that it was defective. Among them are undivided worship, fervent prayer, consistent Bible meditation, selfless service and unconditional submission. Do you believe one can have cracks in their spiritual foundation? The masons had done an excellent job. Your answer may be a resounding YES to all three questions: Let me ask though: Do you spend time with Him? But so does ignoring them. Denomination: He first shared this bit of history in regards to the Salt Lake Temple: On July 24, 1857, as the Latter-day Saints were celebrating the tenth anniversary of their entrance into Salt Lake Valley, they received the latest disturbing news that a potentially hostile United States army was approaching Utah. 3. Enemy forces had infiltrated into their midst before they knew those forces were even near! 3 min read. (Tweet that.). Cracks were appearing in the church. Join this year-long interactive study of the New Testament & Proverbs that includes maps, photographs, and virtual tour videos that helps bring context and meaning to Scripture. I am placing a foundation stone in Jerusalem, a firm and tested stone. There are cracks once you notice leakages in your basement, and the foundation is leaning inwards. xc```b`` A They can not stop your prayers and spiritual warfare because JESUS CHRIST is greater than Satan. Let me however focus on three. If there are cracks in a physical foundation, it might just as well be said that there will be cracks in a spiritual foundation if care is not taken. It might even be a childhood experience that has caused you to believe a lie, such as a teacher telling you youll never make it in a vocation you thought you would thrive. 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